Tag: Iran

Five timely pieces on Obama, Netanyahu, Austrian Sharia, Sacred Film and Muslim Integration initiative

5 Timely Pieces for this week   1. Back off Mr. Netanyahu, don’t mess with America. 2. Is Obama’s Wisdom good for America, did he say the right words? 3. Austria passes… Read more »

Takfiri Conference in Iran – My reccomendations

Salaam,  We are pleased to make the following recommendation to the conference to adopt in their resolution. We recommend that Takfir be declared as sinful as Shirk. Iran is holding the first conference on Takfiri movement that is… Read more »

Shi’a Studies in Qom, Iran – My application

The following is customized resume specific to the program. Name: Mike Mohamed GhouseCitizen: AmericanAddress: 2665 Villa Creek Dr, Suite 206, Dallas, TX 75234Phone (214) 325-1916Email: MikeGhouse@aol.comWeb: www.MikeGhouse.net My Mission is to work… Read more »

Congratulations; Finally, Israel is on the doorstep of the ultimate; her eternal Security.

Full article will be at Huffington Post by 11.27.13 or later today at:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mike-ghouse/   A few abstracts from the article… Jewish people have been betrayed time and again; each… Read more »