Tag: Muslim Activist

Justice cannot be compromised in case of death penalty to Maulana Sayeedi for Bangladesh war crimes.

URL- http://nabsites.net/demo/justice-cannot-be-compromised-in-case/ The oddest piece of news we have encountered lately is the death penalty verdict to Maulana Sayeedi charged with inciting crimes against humanity during the Bangladesh War of freedom… Read more »

In defense of Islam, pursuing a civil dialogue

This piece at Dallas Morning news was not posted here, this is not written by me Dallas Morning News – http://www.dallasnews.com/news/columnists/steve-blow/20100919-In-defense-of-Islam-pursuing-9397.ece By Steve Blow sblow@dallasnews.com Published 19 September 2010 02:28 AM… Read more »

Hunting down Shias: What can we do about it?

What can we do about it? Let’s ask our imams to address this issue in our Friday Sermons, and let’s go pray Juma prayers with the Shia Muslims, let’s show  solidarity with them. That is the least we… Read more »