Tag: SeanHannity

Brigitte Gabriel recommends 5 Million Dollars to Mike Ghouse

That is what Brigitte Gabriel said to Sean Hannity on Fox News,  you may like this  3 Minutes Video –   https://www.facebook.com/MikeGhouse/videos/1438210749532124/  The first bullet was fired last night and it said,… Read more »

Gaddafi and beyond; a challenge for the Neocons and Muslims alike

Beyond Gaddafi; a challenge for the neocons and muslims alike http://nabsites.net/demo/gaddafi-and-beyond-challenge-for/ When I went on Fox’s Sean Hannity Show last week, we were to talk about Gaddafi’s call to Muslims… Read more »

Sean Hannity, Brotherhood, Spencer, Qur’aan and Ghouse

http://nabsites.net/demo/sean-hannity-brotherhood-spencer-quraan/ Sean Hannity, Brotherhood, Spencer, Qur’aan and Ghouse Sean Hannity is indeed excited about the Muslim Brotherhood. However he exercises caution and avoids outright condemnation, it is a positive shift… Read more »