Tag: #Brigitte Gabriel

Brigitte Gabriel recommends 5 Million Dollars to Mike Ghouse

That is what Brigitte Gabriel said to Sean Hannity on Fox News,  you may like this  3 Minutes Video –   https://www.facebook.com/MikeGhouse/videos/1438210749532124/  The first bullet was fired last night and it said,… Read more »

Pluralism News, Saturday, February 25, 2017

Pluralism News is weekly newsletter about pluralism in religion, politics, culture and society.  Please visit http://centerforpluralism.com/news/ 1. President Trump received our letter 2. Conservative and Liberals don’t have to be each… Read more »

Today on Fox New’s syndicated Radio, Mike Ghouse with Hannity and Gabrielle about Syrian Refugees

Hannity plan: A Syrian Safe Zone is the most ideal situation for the refugees. November 25, 2015, New York — Sean Hannity’s radio show is broadcasted across the nation thru… Read more »

How Can You Say It’s Not Islamic?’ Megyn Takes on Muslim Speaker Over Violence By Radical Islamists

Mike Ghouse and Brigitte Gabriel with Megyn Kelly of Fox News9:45 PM EST | September 26, 2014 Video 7:01 Minutes http://foxnewsinsider.com/2014/09/26/%E2%80%98how-can-you-say-it%E2%80%99s-not-islamic%E2%80%99-megyn-kelly-takes-muslim-speaker-mike-ghouse-over Megyn Kelly tonight took on Muslim speaker Mike Ghouse… Read more »

You're Dangerous!': Sparks Fly Between 'Hannity' Panel on Radical Islam

URL – http://nabsites.net/demo/youre-dangerous-sparks-fly-between/ Published at Oped News: http://www.opednews.com/articles/A-response-to-Sean-Hannity-by-Mike-Ghouse-American-Muslims_Anti-islam_Extremism-Extremists_Foreign-Policy-Failure-Iraq-140624-879.html#comment496854 YOUTUBE:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrilgYRauZY First let me address the myth about Sean Hannity, and application of the Quranic verse “Don’t let your bias make you… Read more »

Fox News : Missing Malaysian Plane and Terrorism angle on Sean Hannity show with Brigitte Gabrielle and Mike Ghouse

Missing Malaysian Airlines flight: Was it terrorism? Published March 12, 2014 | Hannity | Sean Hannity With: Brigitte Gabriel, Mike GhouseVideo: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/hannity/2014/03/13/missing-malaysian-airlines-flight-was-it-terrorism This is a rush transcript from “Hannity,” March… Read more »