Tag: Gujarat Massacre

Dealing with genocide and Holocaust across religious lines: What’s politics got to do with it?

Dealing with genocide and Holocaust across religious lines: What’s politics got to do with it?  By Wayne Slater | wslater@dallasnews.com9:35 am on January 25, 2014 | Permalinkhttp://religionblog.dallasnews.com/2014/01/dealing-with-genocide-and-holocaust-across-religious-lines.html/—  Mike Ghouse is… Read more »

Holocaust and the Muslim guy

Published by Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mike-ghouse/holocaust-and-the-muslim-_b_4629509.html Frequently, I am introduced in the following manner, “He is the first Muslim guy to commemorate Holocaust, and perhaps the first non-Jewish person to commemorate… Read more »

Dallas News: Dealing with genocide and Holocaust across religious lines

By Wayne Slaterwslater@dallasnews.com9:33 am on January 25, 2014 | Permalink 14 6 0 1 http://religionblog.dallasnews.com/2014/01/dealing-with-genocide-and-holocaust-across-religious-lines.html/ Mike Ghouse is frequently introduced as ‘the first Muslim guy to commemorate the Holocaust” with… Read more »

Holocaust, Native American Genocides and the Muslim Guy

Holocaust and the Muslim Guy Frequently, I am introduced in the following manner, “He is the first Muslim guy to commemorate Holocaust, and perhaps the first non-Jewish person to commemorate… Read more »

Texas Faith: How do you assess Nelson Mandela’s complex legacy?

How do you assess Nelson Mandela’s complex legacy? The People of Dallas will honor Mandela by applying his principles, and initiate a symbolic reconciliation process with Native Americans on Sunday,… Read more »