It is time to free India from Modi – called Modi Mukt India
I am saddened by what is happening in my motherland, India. Thanks to millions of Indian Americans who are making every effort possible in doing their share of the work in restoring India. It is the love of the motherland that drives all of us to care for India. Indeed, every human on the earth who has migrated to other lands by force, disastrous situations, or voluntarily feels that obligation, and it is natural.
Bodies are being cremated everywhere, on the roadsides, school grounds, parks, and wherever they can find the space, and many bodies are rotting as there is not enough firewood to burn. People are dying because they cannot breathe; there are no oxygen supplies. Hospitals have no place left. Even some of the hospital’s beds are loaded with two patients. No one knows what to do. It is chaos everywhere. The cloud of death is everywhere.
India needs help, here is an article by New York Times, how to help India.
Thanks to the United States for coming to India’s rescue – C30 Planes are carrying loads of Oxygen concentrators and medicines. What remains is to release the raw material for the vaccines so India can mass produce them and handle the situation. We also thank Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan, and other nations who have volunteered to help.
I recall the late sixties when India was going through a famine, and the US AID was there at that, we shipped loads of corn and flour to help alleviate the problem. Americans have always been there to rescue people in difficult situations.
Here is the press release from US AID from the American People.
The people of India hold Mr. Modi responsible for this disaster, he is a spin master and will create a false narrative again and fool a third of the Indians again. We have to make him accountable. More about it in the links below. More about it in the links below

“Today, the United States deployed the first of several emergency COVID-19 relief shipments to India. Arriving in New Delhi from Travis Air Force Base on the world’s largest military aircraft, the shipment includes 440 oxygen cylinders and regulators, generously donated by the State of California. In addition, on this first flight, USAID will send 960,000 Rapid Diagnostic Tests to identify infections early to help prevent the community spread of COVID-19, and 100,000 N95 masks to protect India’s frontline healthcare heroes.
Today’s announcement builds on USAID’s ongoing efforts to mitigate the pandemic in India. USAID has provided over $23 million in assistance since the start of the pandemic, directly reaching nearly 10 million Indians. USAID is quickly procuring 1,000 medical oxygen concentrators that will be used in 320 primary health care facilities. USAID programs have helped save lives and treat individuals infected with COVID-19; reduce COVID-19-related stigma; strengthen case-finding and surveillance; and mobilize innovative financing mechanisms to bolster emergency preparedness and pandemic response.
For decades, USAID has worked in close partnership with India to address many of the country’s most pressing health challenges, including maternal and child mortality, polio, HIV, and tuberculosis. “
Please do not donate anything to India’s PM CARE fund until an audit is allowed to give an account of billions of dollars they have received. India’s Prime Minister is one of the most corrupt politicians globally; an investigation is warranted.
The scientists, medical community, and others had suggested in August 2020 that India needs to prepare for the covid onslaught; the Modi government did not care or made preparations for this contingency. Instead, they were campaigning among the masses to win elections in a few states of the Union.
Most of you are aware of the situation. India has recorded the highest number of infections on a single day peaking at 392,488. The infection rate was down in February but surged again with the super spreader events like election rallies held by Mr. Modi where millions thronged to hear him. He did not wear the mask nor asked the public to do so. Social distancing did not mean anything to him. Add to that the Kumbh Mela, where nearly 1.5 million Hindu devotees took a dip in the river Ganges again with no precaution.
Mr. Modi’s mismanagement has caused this severity. He is interested in his image and continues creating false narratives about his success. Nothing else matters to him. He lives in a bubble-like most of the dictators, and shame on his cabinet ministers and others who constantly fill his ears with praises instead of correcting him. He has failed in everything; everything he touches goes sour. He is bad news for India and he and his sycophant ministers need to be put on trial and bring justice to the nation.
Given this – India should be free from Modi – it is time to free India from Modi
Modi Mukt Bharat

Modi’s government is condemned for mismanagement –
Haaretz article holds Modi responsible –
India leaders ignored variant warnings -scientists
Modi’s Bubble (from June 2015) –
Modi fiddles while India burns –
Narendra Modi is revealed –
How Modi Led India Into a COVID Catastrophe –
Modi’s pandemic choice: Protect his image or protect India. He chose himself-
Indian Hospitals Overwhelmed as COVID Cases Soar in “Modi-Made Disaster –
Covid-19 l’Inde de Narendra Modi ébranlée –
This Is Hell.’ Prime Minister Modi’s Failure to Lead Is Deepening India’s COVID-19 Crisis-
India’s COVID-19 policy was a disaster waiting to happen-|
India’s covid deaths collapse Modi –