Lesbian and Gay Marriages are a reality and the future of America and most of the democracies around the world. At World Muslim Congress, we bring issues to discuss and learn about it without judgment. We will face the issue today or tomorrow, running away from it is will not release us from the agony, accepting it does not give us relief either.
Muslims and Christians have come to believe in the traditional narration that God punished Sodom and Gomorrah for their gay sexual orgies. The Christians early on also believed that the earth was flat and any thing contrary to that was considered a slap on the religion. Muslims have also believed in certain interpretations of Quran on different issues, but now have seen the fallacies of it – like the wrong use of the word Jihad and other words.
A few notes and then the pictures.
2. It is a reality in America, Canada, UK and most of the democracies. None of the religious groups can stop it, despite strong opposition from several Christian groups, LGBT Marriages are a reality and the future of America.
But in a civil society, you cannot do that. First of all, you have no right to take the life of another being, God does not tell any one to kill another soul, because he retains the right to judge, no one bears the burden of other.
Let’s learn to respect the otherness of others and accept the God given uniqueness of each one of us.
Website: www.WorldMuslimCongress.com
facebook: www.facebook.com/TexasMuslims
discussion: WorldMuslimCongress@yahoogroups.com
You are welcome to participate in the discussions, but no judgments please.
Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a writer committed to building cohesive societies where all of us can live without the fear of the other. www.MikeGhouse.net