That is precisely what the Montgomery County Executives did, they called the Muslim leaders and Imams of the county to listen to their concerns and assure their support. It was organized by Imam Faizul Khan of Islamic Society of the Washington Area in Silver Springs, MD. You can feel the genuineness of each one of the council members, police chief, school board members and other public servants and the county executive. That sentiment was reciprocated with sincere expression of gratitude by the Muslims present there.
Each one of the officials spoke from their heart, they care about fellow citizens and this gathering was to advance that sense of community, and imbue the sense of belonging to each other, and they were very successful. God bless them.
There are several ways of mitigating the conflicts and nurturing goodwill. I am pleased to share mine.
First a quote from a friend, “Each and every step towards a unifying goal is the key. And a meaningful engagement between polarized mindsets is the only way to begin bridging the gaps and wide divides that separate us from peace and unified action for humanitarian and environmental health and well being.”
Last night I was watching the Presidential debate at the press club, and behind me was a group watching. When Lindsey Graham spoke eloquently about blaming the individuals and not the faith, which is my mantra, I clapped, and they booed. One of the ladies and her husband beckoned me to join them, and told me they were conservatives and asked about me, I said I am a moderate. I introduced myself and gave them my card that read, American Muslim Institution. They asked me about Sharia and I gave them a short talk on the topic.
I am short on time with so much going, so I will yield to the lady sitting next to me, who writes for Muslim Matters, when she files the report, I will share that with all.
This is precisely what God wants – for his creation to sit together and demystify the myths about each other and restore the equilibrium. Quran (49:13) says the best ones among you are those who learn about each other; indeed, when we learn about each other, conflicts fade and solutions emerge.
Thanks to Sayed Naved for printing and distributing the flier of our “Season of Peace” event and thanks to Rev. Casey Kaseman for announcing it. I had the opportunity to announce it as well during my turn. Thanks to Amjad Humayun for inviting me to the event.
Please join us for the event, this is a God-given opportunity this year to further strengthen our bonds on the auspicious occasion of the birth celebrations of Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad on 25th and 24th of December respectively. God loves each one of us and showers his blessings each time we make an effort to restore the harmony and cohesiveness of his creation; life and environment.These are the signs of good tidings; offering a new hope and a new beginning for the mankind. Together Christians and Muslims make up nearly half of the world population and it is our duty to do our share of work in restoring harmony and peace on earth for each one of the Seven billion of us. We are all in this together.
Kindly share this link to register for the event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/merry-christmas-milad-mubarak-tickets-20040393356
Thank you,
Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916
Executive Director
A proactive voice for American Muslims
110 Maryland Av, NE, Suite 508
Washington, DC 20002-5606
Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer, news maker, and a speaker on Pluralism, Interfaith, Islam, politics, human rights, India, Israel-PalestineTerrorism and foreign policy. Over 3000 Articles have been published on the subjects. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at www.MikeGhouse.net and bulk of his writings are at TheGhousediary.com