First of all, the dearest person in God’s book Quraan is the one who forgives and secondly Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has clearly set up a model of behavior for Muslims; to pray for the ones who throw rocks (Taif story) at you or harm you. We simply cannot go wrong following that guidance to create better societies.

The first lesson for him to learn in tolerance is that he cannot demand from others, what he himself does not have. He has got to let go of the baggage.
The second lesson to learn is grasping the full meaning of the wisdom embedded in the idea of “Vasudaiva Kutumbukum” – when you embrace the idea, you will act and treat the world as one family. If we can learn to respect the otherness of other and accept the God given uniqueness of each one of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.
In the tradition of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), I pray for Mr. Subramanian Swami to become a teacher of tolerance. May God give him the same energy and zest to do the right thing.
Originally published at Op-Ed at Indian Muslim Observer:
Quoted in India Abroad as well:
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