Inspirational Professional Speaker
Inspirational → Are you helping to create a more cohesive America?
As Americans the majority of us feel that this is the land of true freedom and opportunity. With the growth of modern technology and social network marketing frequently we are inundated with negativity. Whether we know it or not we are affected by the constant stream of information surrounding us and filling our minds with truths and very often untruths.
Are you doing everything you can on a personal level to support the principles that this country was founded on? Do you speak out for equality, freedom, and prosperity for all of our citizens?
Meet a gentleman who has committed his life to supporting what we need to do to create a more cohesive America. Mike Ghouse is working tirelessly to remind us all the importance of recognizing bigotry, prejudice and stereotyping others who frighten us because of their differences. Mike’s mission is to help contribute to an America where no citizen lives with apprehension and anxiety, fearful of the criticism of others.
Listen to a very informative interview with Mike Ghouse:On February 23rd, 2012 /