Understanding Homosexuality, bestiality, incest, rape, necrophilia and polygamy.

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I stand opposed to bestiality, incest, rape, necrophilia, abortion
(with exceptions), polygamy and other ills of the society. Let me explain why – it is the justice aspect and consensuality. As it stands, Homosexuality is forbidden
in both Islam and Christianity, and there is severe retribution
for that. This is the given understanding of the scriptures,What we have not done is to find out the true meaning of what God has said;
instead we have believed what was given to us. A majority of people mind their own business and it does not matter to them
what others do, however a minority within us – insists the world be run as they
understand. This has necessitated a dialogue to understand the situation.

NOTE: You are
invited to add to the conversation to make it more meaningful and clear. This
is how the society gains the knowledge. 
Please share your thoughts without attacking the individuals or the
writer of this piece. Discussions yes, judgments no. If your comments make
sense to me, I will include them as your quote in the article to be published. Let your comments not exceed 50 words and you can post them
at: Here is my 50 word comment 

I stand opposed to bestiality, zoophilia incest, rape, necrophilia, abortion
(with exceptions), polygamy and other ills of the society. Let me explain why.

First the justice aspect; Prophet Muhammad did not advocate polygamy; more than
one marriage was allowed for social justice and not for sex. Right now, Iraq is
left with over 100,000 women with no support for them to live on – no matter
what man – Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jew, Buddhist or whoever who wants to provide
her food and shelter, shamefully he would eye
for a pound of flesh. It is humiliating experience for these
women – the only option left for them is selling their body – which has its own

It is to prevent this humiliation to women prophet in
his time allowed men to respect women by marrying them and not lust after them
behind their wife’s back; many men do that no matter what race, religion or
ethnicity they come from. The prophet added, one has to be just and has to seek
permission from his wife to ensure that it is not lust.  Of course most men Muslim or other do not
follow their religion entirely – they lose it when it comes to Zun, Zewar and
Zameen (Urdu/Hindi language expression for women, wealth and land) and that is
why we have the problems.

The reverse is happening in China, Haryana and
possibly in Gujarat states in India now. With the shortage of girls due to
killing of girl babies, the woman is being shared by many men including
brothers and friends and also she is being sold off for money. She means
nothing to these freaks. How humiliating it is for her, and I am glad Aamir
Khan did a show on it, and Haryana has a pilot program to prevent killing baby
girls now and I believe it is a law now and needs to be enforced.

The second reason is consent – in bestiality,
zoophilia, incest, rape, and necrophilia, one forces on the other, even if there
is an unwilling consent in case of incest out of fear or out of pressure, the
damage is done to the innocent, and physically, it has genetic consequences. It
also damages one’s psyche. The Law of karma is as truthful as the laws of
physics. You hurt someone, you aren’t going scot free, and you will pay for it
in terms of your own mental balance. God has created everything in balance, if
we mess with it we pay for it in anguish.
Thirdly in case of abortion – I am torn on the topic. If
a woman’s life is in danger or if she is going to through trauma, I am
comfortable with her choice of abortion, however, I stand against abortion and
death penalty.

Yes, whenever and wherever I can speak, I do speak or
write. The evil exists around us because we do nothing about it. If you want to
change the society, be a part of it – said Mahatma Gandhi.

The homosexuality issue.
I am not advocating homosexuality, nor am I condemning
it.  Let me be clear on it.

 As it stands, Homosexuality is forbidden
in both Islam and Christianity, and there is severe retribution by the society
for that. This is the given understanding of the scriptures, just as earth was
considered flat  once, and whoever said
otherwise went to the gallows in the Christian and Muslim world. Both the
traditions quote the Sodom, Gomorrah and the Lot stories and how God punished
them by destroying the whole township for their homosexuality.

There are Muslims and Christians who see the same
verses differently, they don’t see a retribution in it, what they see is a
retribution for lewdness and not for homosexuality – that would be applicable
to both homo and heterosexuals in that period. That practice is still good in
every nation that I know of – you cannot make it out in a park or in a public
place or around your family, you could be arrested in Dallas or Delhi, but most
certainly get beaten in Singapore or Saudi Arabia. They also argue that if
God had destroyed homosexuality, he would have wiped it completely off,
hence it was not homosexuality but lewdness that was the problem.

What we have not done is to find out the true meaning of what God has said;
instead we have believed what was given to us. In the past, homosexuals would
have been killed and still it goes on in Christian and Muslim nations like
Uganda and Saudi Arabia.

Medically it is not proven yet, but just like a heterosexual man or a woman never
gets attracted towards another man or woman, the homosexual men and women never
get attracted towards the opposite sex.

The world, particularly the democratic world
is different today, we truly believe in God more than ever; we value the God
given life and do not want to kill another human, and you can find enough
verses in most all scriptures about it.

A majority of people mind their own business and it does not matter to them
what others do, however a minority within us – insists the world be run as they
understand. This has necessitated a dialogue to understand the situation.

I hope to write a full article on the subject
and speak about it. I have been on several panels including churches, as well
as UNT panel on the topic, and its funny someone is reading my stuff, and just
yesterday, a university had offered me to teach homosexuality. I would have
taken it up if it was in Dallas. I am no expert nor do I claim to be, but I am
a critical student and know enough to discuss about it.

Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker and a
writer on pluralism, politics, peace, Islam, Israel, India, interfaith, and cohesion at work
place. He is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers
pluralistic solutions on issues of the day at www.TheGhousediary.com. He believes in
Standing up for others
and has done that throughout his life as an activist. Mike has a presence on
national and local TV, Radio and Print Media. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on
Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to
the Texas Faith Column at Dallas
Morning News
; fortnightly at Huffington post; and
several other periodicals across the world. His personal site www.MikeGhouse.net indexes all his work
through many links.  

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