truth, and writing stories about how a conservative, liberal and a moderate
person views his own religion, rather than what a pastor, rabbi, pundit, imam,
shaman or a clergy tells about other’s religion.
Do you think these religious leaders will tell the truth about other religions? Of course, some do, but for others, it is their paycheck and fame… that was earned by bashing other religions or ill-talking about other faiths. Should you believe a religious leader who talks ill about others?
media’s coverage of religion too sensationalized? Most of the public
thinks so, according to a survey released this spring by the Knight
Program in Media and Religion at USC’s Annenberg School of Communication and the
University of Akron’s Roy C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics. The poll
found that two-thirds of respondents think that religion coverage is too
sensationalized. By contrast, only a third of reporters see it that way.
you think the media could better explain the role of religion in society? The
answer is important for both consumers of news and those who report the news
and interpret it. Twelve Texas Faith panelists weigh in on the
model for religious reporting can come from political newscasting, where the
mainstream media has done an exemplary job in being fair, and many journalists
have earned the respect from opposing political parties for their neutrality.
Indeed, at times, their adherence to equity and fairness makes it difficult to
figure out their political leanings. There was not a Republican or a Democrat, who would not have wanted to be on Tim Russert’s show.
made significant progress in explaining the role of religion since 9/11.
However, sensationalism swallows reason and rationality. Increasingly focused
on competitiveness and profits, the mainstream media is under pressure for its
own survival. Undeniably, it is at a critical juncture of having to choose
between fulfilling its societal responsibility and succumbing to the economic
compulsions of our times by sensationalizing religious
“bashing(news)” without countering it.
couplet in Urdu language suggests checking out if elections were on, when
religious skirmishes are on the rise. The aggrandized Ground Zero Mosque issue
can be attributed to the political expediency of the 2010 elections.
as a part of daily reporting is relatively new, and is taking root over the
last decade. Most major papers have a full time column devoted to it. A few
have a daily column, like the Washington
Post andHuffington
Post. Our own Dallas
Morning News has gone through the turbulence from running an
award-winning religion section to shutting it down and making a full comeback.
It will succeed as it reflects diversity of the public, and is in step
with them through the questions framed every week on this blog. Ultimately,
sensationalism will recede, and the religion reporting will find its own
equilibrium as it matures.
religious explaining has grown from the exclusive domain of clergy to include
non-clergy in an effort to offer a range of understanding to the news
consumers. When Osama Bin Laden was given the sea burial, Melissa Cutler of Fox
4 News approached the Imam and the non-Imam for their perspectives, Steve Blow
of the Dallas Morning
News reached out to the pastor and the non-pastor alike to
bring sense to the sensational attacks on the Quran. And, oddly, Sean Hannity
broke the stereotyping trend of presenting Muslims with beards, with Muslims
who looked like everyone else to represent Islam.
faithfulness to the truth should be the higher goal. Over the last two years, I
have come to admire the two moderators of this forum; William McKenzie and
Wayne Slater. They are thorough in reading what we write and frequently ask for
proof, to keep us on our toes.
the eternal wisdom is expressed in John 8:32, “Then you will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free,” To which the Hindu mantra from
Upanishads adds power, “Satyamev Jayate,” the truth ultimately triumphs.
Truth-telling is a fundamental Jewish value as well as the value of every
theist and atheist tradition, and it must reflect in the writings of journalists from different faiths.
(5:8) offers guidance to the religion reporters, “O you who have attained
to faith! Be ever steadfast in your devotion to God, bearing witness to the
truth in all equity; and never let hatred of any-one lead you into the sin of
deviating from justice. Be just: this is closest to being God-conscious. And
remain conscious of God: verily, God is aware of all that you do.”
Muhammad further urges mankind to tell the truth even if it incriminates you.
He said it liberates you from endless anxiety and paves the way for a regret
free life.
stories to effectively neutralize the derogatory meaning assigned to the words
that were shoved into our vocabulary by the uncouth barbarians from the Dark
Ages. Words such as pagan, idolatrous, wicca, and earth-based American
traditions need to be consistently written as traditions as valid as Judaism,
Christianity, Islam or any other religion. God has not signed a deal with
anyone behind others back, and religion is not about arrogance, but humility.
Why do we need to do that?
Jesus talked about the kingdom of heaven, he meant creating societies where no
one has to live in fear of the other. He taught us to blame the sin and not the
sinner. To make a point, he set the example of embracing presumed sinners like
the prostitutes and lepers.
Every religion has a similar goal; to open people’s hearts and minds towards
the other.
The media can earn respect and foster understanding by telling the truth, and
writing stories about how a conservative, liberal and a moderate person views
his own religion, rather than what a pastor, rabbi, pundit, imam, shaman or
other clergy tells about other religions.
all the twelve points of view, please visit Dallas Morning News at:
. . . . .
MikeGhouse is
committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic
solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional
speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism,
politics, civic affairs, Islam, India, Israel,
peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest on Sean
Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio
networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly at Huffington
post, and several other periodicals across the world. The
blog is
updated daily.