From 205# last August, I am down to 169 this morning, my goal is 165#, and I hope to look like in this picture in 1978, 40 years ago. Four more pounds to go, and I hope to achieve that by Christmas, maybe go to Sanfranciso and celebrate 40 years in the US. I spent a week in San Franciso, Pete Hisken and I drove from San Diego to San Franciso on Freeway 5. We had a good time in Lajolla beach and then for new years’ I was on Miami Beach.
I also had acquired the fear of heights; it seems to be vanishing away. Thank God, I can enjoy vista points now. I did not have that fear before, back in Saudi in 1978, Paul Crissman my friend, who lost one of his legs, egged me on to climb the tall chimney in the Shedgum Gas field, it was 65′ tall, bare hands straight guard rail to protect, that was lunatic. Before that my uncle Inayat and I had climbed a rock straight up in Bettahallli, near my hometown Yelahanka, Bengaluru.

40 years ago at Golden Gate Bridge
For the last 30 years, I was miserable even driving on the hill; my legs would freeze. My late wife Najma and I were driving on Freeway 5 in California, we stayed in an incredible town, I cannot think of its name, it looks like paradise. On the way out right in the middle of the freeway, my legs froze…. it took time to pull over for her to drive. Then in the Redwood forest, I could not drive to the hill, she drove, but I froze going up, we returned to go back someday. Now, I am free from it and want to to do the same trip and enjoy it.
For years, I took dancing lessons, could not connect with the beat and always stayed on the sidelines. Now, in the last six months. I am enjoying the body connect with the music.
Freedom is indeed the greatest achievement in one’s life and it permanently clings to you till eternity. Those of us, who can free ourselves from fears, tension, pain, anxiety, apprehension, hostility, malice, pressure, tension, stress, strain, and conflicts, are showered with blessings of peace and joy. It is good to be free. All of us can achieve that, I will be happy to do a workshop for my friends.

50 Years ago, Inayat Mamu and I in Kempe Gowda Circle, Bengaluru
Mike Ghouse is committed to open peoples hearts, minds and souls towards each other.