Pushing the Rabbi, Pastor and an Imam to face challenges in promoting co-existence

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What do Torah, Bible and Quran preach about co-existence? If they do, do the Synagogues, Churches and Mosques highlight those ideals in their weekly sermons? What are the challenges Rabbis, Pastor and Imams face when they preach what is in the texts? What is the responsibility of the congregants in shaping the conversation in their respective place of worship?

We hope you would walk out of the auditorium with hope and optimism. The American Muslim Institution is committed to promote the ideals of co-existence. We have chosen a Rabbi, Pastor and an Imam to be on one platform in a dialogue to offer pragmatic solutions on co-existence of humanity, focused on the practitioners of faiths in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia.

In the Symposium scheduled on Sunday, September 18, 2016 at Marriott Fairview in Falls Church, Virginia at 2:00 PM, three holy books will be placed on the table symbolically acknowledging God’s wisdom in building cohesive societies where no human has to live in tension, apprehension or fear of the other.

Everything you always wanted to know about what the real scriptures say, and what is preached and practiced is what you will hear. This will be one of the most productive meetings you would have ever attended, make sure you RSVP and bring your friends.

Here are statements from each one of the participants and the President AMI.

Rabbi Charles M. Feinberg said, “Each of the Scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths has passages which I would consider problematic and offensive. It is the responsibility of religious leaders to interpret these passages in a way that promotes justice and peace.”

Imam Mohamad Bashar Arafat said, “The political situation today, nationally and internationally, is making it more difficult for the voices of reason and wisdom to be heard. The word of God has been and will continue to be our refuge in Him from the temptation of our desires and the misunderstanding of our interpretations.”

Ambassador Islam Siddiqui, President of AMI said, “We firmly believe in an America in which all religious and ethnic communities contribute to her success while living in peace and harmony, free from prejudice and discrimination.”

By the end of year 2020, there will not be a major city in America, and perhaps in the world, where you will not find people of different faiths, cultures, ethnicities, races, nationalities and social backgrounds working, eating, playing, marrying, and doing things together. We need to prepare ourselves for those eventualities to prevent possible conflicts, and lay a good foundation for nurturing goodwill and effective functioning of the societies. Exclusive communities will become a thing of the past. If you live amidst others, you must also respect the otherness of others, as you expect them to do the same for you. You are who you are, and I am who I am. As long as we don’t mess with each other’s space, sustenance and nurturance, and mind our own business, we all will do well. If we can learn to respect the otherness of other and accept the God-given uniqueness of each one of the seven billion of us, then conflicts fade and solutions emerge.

Venue: Marriott Fairview, 3111 Fairview Park Dr, Falls Church, VA 22042 Time: Sunday, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Doors open at 1:40 PM.

AMI is committed to be a proactive voice for American Muslims, and our actions, writings and talks are geared to achieve the ultimate goal; where fellow “Americans will see Muslims as their neighbors and fellow citizens, committed to fighting against violent extremism and protecting the homeland.

Mike Ghouse is the Executive Director of American Muslim Institution and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He can be reached atMike@AmericanMuslimInstitution.org

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