Symposium organized by Ahmadiyya Muslims, Allen, Texas
Sunday, May 20, 2012.
Speakers: Suhail Kauser, Rabbi Yogi Robkin, Rev. Judi Arkow, Rev.
Bill Matthews, Minister Pravrajika Brahmaprana, Pluralist Mike Ghouse, Editor
Rick Mann and Imam Mohammad Zafrullah Hanjra.
Bill Matthews, Minister Pravrajika Brahmaprana, Pluralist Mike Ghouse, Editor
Rick Mann and Imam Mohammad Zafrullah Hanjra.
Each one of the speakers shared their perspective on the issue, it was humorous
and a lively discussion.
I lost my card where I
scribbled my points, but off memory, I am writing the following notes, they are
not exactly the same.
scribbled my points, but off memory, I am writing the following notes, they are
not exactly the same.
Everything about nature is balance; matter has a built-in balance
mechanism, whereas humans have to build it.
mechanism, whereas humans have to build it.
The idea of economic justice began, when man figured out a way
to live with his enemies or perceived enemies, and live with the available food
without worrying about the food being stolen or safety of his family.
What did the subsequent religious leaders do? They reconstituted
precisely what the hunters and gatherers had learned. They created societies
where no one had to live in discomfort, apprehension or fear of the other. If
one violated the norms, there was punishment accorded to the one.
precisely what the hunters and gatherers had learned. They created societies
where no one had to live in discomfort, apprehension or fear of the other. If
one violated the norms, there was punishment accorded to the one.
Part of the economic justice is based on – taking care of the ones in the pit.
It is not giving the fish, but helping them catch the fish. It makes economic sense
to uplift the downtrodden on to a level playing field – imagine in terms of adding
a whole slew of customers, service people and producers to your economic
system. It multiplies and grows.
Responsible capitalism is the way to go. It is about the
individual incentive to achieve his or her peak performance. Indeed, it begins
with God. He, she or it offers the first incentive, the more good you do to the
fellow being, the more harmony you add to his creation – and earn the brownie points.
individual incentive to achieve his or her peak performance. Indeed, it begins
with God. He, she or it offers the first incentive, the more good you do to the
fellow being, the more harmony you add to his creation – and earn the brownie points.
Similarly, when an individual’s puts in time, effort, ideas and
energy to work, he should be compensated to the full and rewarded… he can
uplift a whole lot of people with him or her, rather than punishing him for creating
wealth for him, which creates wealth for others.
energy to work, he should be compensated to the full and rewarded… he can
uplift a whole lot of people with him or her, rather than punishing him for creating
wealth for him, which creates wealth for others.
American capitalistic system is great and can become the best,
if corporations keep economic justice in mind. People can be taken advantage of
to a point, beyond that it will be destructive. They rebel and destroy
everything giving birth to either communism or socialism in varying degrees.
if corporations keep economic justice in mind. People can be taken advantage of
to a point, beyond that it will be destructive. They rebel and destroy
everything giving birth to either communism or socialism in varying degrees.
When Moses came down from Sinai with the tablets, his unstated
goal was to restore trust in the society through orderly conduct. Krishna
emerged to reinstate dharma (righteousness). Jesus wanted to redeem the lost
souls. And Muhammad revived the message of Abraham, of one common creator and
accountability for our Karma.
goal was to restore trust in the society through orderly conduct. Krishna
emerged to reinstate dharma (righteousness). Jesus wanted to redeem the lost
souls. And Muhammad revived the message of Abraham, of one common creator and
accountability for our Karma.
Buddha taught that one can achieve freedom through
self-regulating. Guru Nanak saw the commonalities between Hindus and Muslims on
the basis of Seva (service). And Bahaullah taught the oneness of humanity. Of
course, the Native Americans had set a fine example of sharing knowledge among
various tribes for the common good.
self-regulating. Guru Nanak saw the commonalities between Hindus and Muslims on
the basis of Seva (service). And Bahaullah taught the oneness of humanity. Of
course, the Native Americans had set a fine example of sharing knowledge among
various tribes for the common good.
Economic Justice is the key for the success of a nation, where everyone
benefits from the prosperity, if there is an imbalance, it will start falling
apart for wealth accumulators, consumers and producers alike.
benefits from the prosperity, if there is an imbalance, it will start falling
apart for wealth accumulators, consumers and producers alike.
Economic justice can be compared to a smooth running reliable car, if all the
parts are greased, well oiled and well kept you can count on it go anywhere.
One part can hamper the functioning of the entire car, a loss of air in one
tire can hold back. Who is responsible? The tire or the rider of the car?
Religions have created systems for it, the tithe, Zakat and
charitable giving is to ensure that no one is in the ditch and pulled back on
level playing field. Medicare, health care are part of that system, we need to
look at as an investment for higher overall returns.
charitable giving is to ensure that no one is in the ditch and pulled back on
level playing field. Medicare, health care are part of that system, we need to
look at as an investment for higher overall returns.
I need to write a full blown article to teach economic justice
and its benefits to my fellow Republicans. Doing good does well to all. Rich
people will get richer, if they have a healthy work force. I hope to get this
to them before they turn things upside down.
and its benefits to my fellow Republicans. Doing good does well to all. Rich
people will get richer, if they have a healthy work force. I hope to get this
to them before they turn things upside down.
is committed to building a Cohesive
America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker,
thinker and a writer on pluralism,
politics, civic affairs,
Islam, India, Israel, peace and
justice. Mike is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on
Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to
the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning
News and regularly at Huffington
post, and several other periodicals across the world. The blog www.TheGhousediary.com is
updated daily.
is committed to building a Cohesive
America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker,
thinker and a writer on pluralism,
politics, civic affairs,
Islam, India, Israel, peace and
justice. Mike is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on
Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to
the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning
News and regularly at Huffington
post, and several other periodicals across the world. The blog www.TheGhousediary.com is
updated daily.