Interfaith Peace Chapel, Dallas
The Program outline is listed
below, here is the outline of my speech.
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Salaam – May you be showered in
peace, drenched in peace and soaked in peace. Tonight, we will think, talk and
act peace together.
Thanks for being here, interfaith meetings are important.
purpose of interfaith dialogue is to learn about each other, and to separate
the myths from the realities. To learn about each other as we believe and
practice, and not what others say about us or vice-versa.
The bottom line is how we build a society that all of us can learn to respect
the otherness of others, and no one has to live in apprehension, discomfort or
fear of the other. Interfaith efforts are directed towards that goal.
Prophet Muhammad conducted interfaith dialogue…
Let me caution, in case our bias jumps at us…
If Muslims followed Islam, Jews followed Judaism, Christians followed Jesus,
Hindus- Krishna, Bahais- Bahaullah or Sikhs Guru Nanka. We will not have the
problems we see today. A handful of
people don’t get their own religion right and shamefully we blame the whole
group of people…
most of my fellow Americans have a singular perception of Muslims, Jews,
Christians, Hindus and others, and those perceptions were built up by media or
hearsay, we have a tendency to teach bad things about others.. How can we have
a good relationship then?
those who have been a part of the interfaith dialogue still are set in what is
dished out to them for years.
dialogue, removes those myths – hear me out, this is what Judaism is and not
what you imagine, this is Islam, and not what you see on Fox…. INTERFAITH
dialogue helps put together the real image of the group as opposed to
what is out on television. The input is coming from the
respective religious representatives and not defined by someone else.
in Quran 49:13 God says, I have created ya’ll from a single couple, into many
tribes, communities and nations…. and the best one among you is the one who
knows and learns about the other. God knows there will be conflicts with
diversity, and then he tells us the best ones among us are those who learn
about each other. Knowledge leads to understanding and understanding to
acceptance of each other. If we learn about each other, the conflicts fade and
solutions emerge.
That is the ultimate goal of interfaith – to respect the otherness of others,
and that is the precise definition of Pluralism. That is – you are who you are, and I am who I
am. I will accept you the way you believe, dress, smile and I expect the same
from you. In true interfaith meetings, there are no compromises, what is the
need? After all it is a belief, and as long as it does not mess with my food,
water, space and my loved ones, you are welcome to be who you are, as I will be
who I am.
Karen Armstrong once said, if you feel biased against any scriptures – fight
it, fight with yourselves unless that bias is knocked out. If I have the bias, why shouldn’t you? I
cannot ask you to be clean, unless I am.
Bias that we have
When Pastor Jones announced burning 2998 copies of Qur’an on Wednesday,
September 11, 2013, one for each American life lost on September 11, 2001; I
said to myself we have to bring a closure to the sacrifice of our men and women
in the most honored way and not by burning the Qurans.
We also need to bring a closure to the damage 9/11 has done to the relationship
between Muslims and America, though the majority on both sides did not blame
each other, the few among both made it difficult by promoting fear,
hatred and blame with recurring nagging activities.
Just like the actions of Pastor Terry Jones and his handful of supporters do
not represent 318 Million Americans, the actions of the 19 and their respective
cheer leaders do not represent 1.6 Billion Muslims either. We all owe it
ourselves to understand this clearly, so none of us lives in anxiety, and
continue to live in hate of each other.
We all have a legitimate concern on how a handful of Muslims react elsewhere in
the world to criticism of Prophet Muhammad, Islam and Qur’an,
and how Muslims are perceived by fellow humanity in general and Americans in
particular. Hence we deliberated on actions to bring about sustainable solutions;
the answer was in moving the Tenth Annual Unity Day USA event to Mulberry,
Florida. The Unity Day brings people of different faiths, races and ethnicities
to rededicate our pledge to one nation and a commitment to her safety,
security and Unity.
Thanks to the print and web media – every Major Newspaper in the world has
carried the stories and at least two dozen original pieces have been written
about the event. A whole lot of it is listed at
The most important endorsements came from Muslims sites – Shia, Sunni and
other Muslims groups. Whether it is Saudi Gazette, or Ahle-Bayt (Shia) News in
Iran and the Muslim Majority Nations have covered it all.
The following are some of the many of the responses we have learned and
anticipate when someone criticizes Islam, Prophet Muhammad, or Quran;
- Violence –
burning embassies, cars and destruction of property…. - Calling Names,
cursing or killing the one who said bad things about the three - Enflame
the situation by adding fuel to the fire by talk of avenge or revenge - Passing the buck
– blame the other “illiterate Muslims”, fringe elements etc. - Get Defensive
not seen is a genuine Muslim response!
Our goal was to offer an alternate behavior model as a standard, indeed we can
call it a genuine Islamic response based on what the Prophet has said, and the
verses from Quran. This behavior can also be called Christian, Jewish,
Hindu or plain common sense responsible response.
Saving a life is like saving the whole humanity
says the Quran, a book of guidance like all other holy books in building
harmony in a given society. It is about building societies that care for other
for the ultimate benefit of each member of the society. (More about it at Huffington Post)
The Muslim Community has taken up the
responsibility in past several years to donate blood, and last year, the target
was to collect 11,000 pints on the 11thanniversary and collected
11,170 Pints. The Muslims for Life blood drive campaign emphasizes
the sanctity of life, a teaching inherent in all religious
The Muslim Community USA has set a
goal to collect 12,000 pints of blood, which will help save up to 36,000
The model is not new at all, indeed, it was established by Jesus, Muhammad and
all the spiritual Masters (peace be upon them) including non-religious
and secular traditions; that of mitigating conflicts and nurturing goodwill for
the common good of the society; a cohesive society where no one has to live in
apprehension or fear of the other.
Kingdom of heaven and Muhammad called it submission to a coherent system called
Islam. A majority of people in all faiths believe in the beauty of their faith;
however a few in each group don’t get that or abuse the faith to their
advantage in making enemies out of those who differ.
taught that “To overcome evil with good is good, and to resist evil by
evil is evil.” It is also strongly enjoined in the Qur’an in the same
verse 41:34, “Good and evil deeds are not equal. Repel evil with what is
better; then you will see that one who was once your enemy has become your
dearest friend.” (Full Press release at World Muslim Congress).
of Mulberry and Polk County, Florida were ready for a new model to work in
dealing with the situation, and they did, and have set an example to the world.
Should this happen elsewhere in the United States, the folks can look up to the
Mulberry example of giving hope and strengthening what is good.
Indeed Mulberry Mayor Hatch said, “One man or a handful of men and women
do not represent the values of half a million folks of Polk County”. Mayor
Fields of Lakeland shared that humanity has a history of abusing the holy books
for individual gains and we cannot accept that. Sgt. Regina Moran,
representing Polk County Sheriff’s office called for mutual respect and
acceptance of the other. Butch Rahman, a resident of Polk County
emphasized, “Terry Jones begged every property owner in Polk County to
allow him to burn the Quran on their property—and not one person accepted. No
one is buying his idea and he is isolated on an island of hate. He does not
represent us.” and added,”I am proud of Polk County’s response in rejecting
hate and promoting a positive message of American diversity.”
let me share the core values and the rituals that are the pathways to achieve
those values.
Core Values
- 1. Mercy
- 2. Justness
- 3. Forgiveness
- 4. Accountability
- 5. Equality
- 1. Pledge – belief in
God and his prophet. - 2. Prayers
- 3. Fasting
- 4. Zakat (public taxes
to take care of the needy) - 5. Pilgrimage.
The Universal Prayer –
Translation of Sura Fatiha
Arabic recitation: Sura Fatiha
is the program outline.
Faith/Interfaith Clergy
Place” Rev. David Howard and Rev.
Janet Ellis
accompanist Antoine Spencer
Closing – Len Ellis