“Festivals of the World” is an educational series by Mike Ghouse since 1993. When we live as neighbors and in the same
communities, we might as well learn about each other. The best way to build
cohesive societies is for its members to participate in festivities as well as
commemorations of each other, or at least understand each others’ joys and
sorrows. Please note, the simplicity in
writing is designed for people of other faiths to learn and to know, so we can
function cohesively.
The Festival of Hanukkah is a Jewish
celebration, and it is about celebrating the recovery and re-dedication of the
Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in 165 B.C. Hanukkah is spelled in many different ways in case you
want to Google it; Hanukah, Chanukah, Chanuka, Hanukka and other variations.
Please visit Huffington Post, the full articles is likely to be published on 11.28.13 at:
If not, it will be here on the evening of 28th.