Bible Workshop in Chicago

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Chicago, December 14-17
Four days conference on “Original substance of divine principle” by Unificationist Church Ministry of Rev. Moon. 

This learning has reaffirmed my belief that religion is about bringing a balance to an individual… and creating a cohesive world. It sounds so much like Islam and Hinduism in a few spots Bahai. Why should any religion have a different bottom line – all seek salvation, their own unique way, all believe Justice is the core value in a society with compassion to keep the society moving forward as smoothly as it can.

I hope to attend the next conference by Unitarian Universalists. I’m blessed to have attended the Jewish, Hindu and Sikh workshops. The more you know the lesser you know, but the search for truth is wonderful, it’s the same truth expressed differently and I thank God for helping me see the beauty and wisdom of each faith.

If I get the chance, I will write the specifics of the conference. They focused on the essence of the word of Bible rather than the literary meaning.

Mike Ghouse
Committed to a Cohesive America

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