Tonite is a Romantic evening, soak it in.

Tonite is the eve of full moon. Nothing sentimental about it, but we are all conditioned to enjoy the beauty of it. Take a moment to soak in the beauty, tranquility and peace that filters into our souls with the moonlight for a few minutes, no matter how busy you are, or how your life may or may not be going, it is worth taking those few moments; just five minutes of pure bliss, take it, we have to upload all the good things we can in our lives.Your are invited to my home in Carrollton, but must rsvp, to watch the moon from the expanse of the open space around my place. The blueish blackness of the space that nestles the moon is equally gorgeous. Across my home is a pond that sits atop the Golf course… and you will cherish a lot of fresh gentle breeze kissing your face. …. I will be home around 9 PM and we all can sit down and receive the peace that filters into our souls with the moonlight for a few hours. Couples and singles are invited regardless of the age.
I would welcome the posting of video of a romantic song in English language; I am posting one in Urdu/Hindi language from a Bollywood movie called “Chaudvin Ka chaand” from the early sixties. The Urdu poetry uses Moonlit nights and the full moon as the most beautiful event of the month, and one of the most beautiful ways to praise the beauty of the woman is to address her as “Chaudvin Ka Chaand”. I know quite a few songs on Moon, but the one linked below is considered the pinnacle of romantic songs. This may or may not have the same appeal to those who are non-Urdu/Hindi speaking.
Glenda Gill our FB friend posted a note about the full moon, and I am adding a little more romance to it. I would have filmed it differently, but this was from the early sixties and is the best of best from times immemorial.
Lubna and FB friends or any of you girls or guys out there, please translate the song for our English speaking friends, not the literal, but the essence of it. If I have a few more minutes this afternoon, I will work on it.

If you are single or married, enjoy being one and soak in some of the glory of the moon tonite, in reality, each one of us is single in our heart, in our stillness, in our solititude, in our dreams and in our thoughts. We must be able to feel the joy for ourselves. The evening is yours, make the best out of it.

Perhaps a little meditation may be pursposeful; or simply peacefully sitting and pondering over the most precious thing we own; life, and expressing our gratitutude to the creator or the creative process that gave us an opportunity to exist and feel the spectrum of emotions must be acknolwledged.
Have a beautiful day, it is yours to enjoy.