Muslims In America

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Did you know a Muslim is running for the President of France?

Did you know Muhammad’s (pbuh) name was inscribed on rocks in Nevada and California in the 7th Century?

Did you know two Muslim kings recognized the United States sovereignty out of the first three nations in 1776?

Muslims in America video

Today we discussed with Samira Saidi about Muslims and, in particular Native American Muslims. Samira is a Muslim French from Algeria and has a deep interest in the topic of Muslims everywhere.

Muslims Together is a weekly program for Muslims, and it is about the representation of Muslims in Politics, society, Media, foreign policy, and social media. It is every Sunday 12-1 PM EST.

We urge our members to question, critique, and offer solutions to the issues but not attack the person. You can respectfully differ, but don’t decimate other’s points of view.

We hope to invite Samir and the Muslim running for the President of France (2022), Mr. Alexi Troyullis. Please wait for the date.

Muslims in America video

Please know, I wear two hats;

As an American Pluralist, I run the Center for Pluralism, inclusive of every human being. Please visit

As an American Muslim, I manage the World Muslim Congress and have produced a lot of work on Islam

​Thank you.

Mike Ghouse, President
Office (202) 290-3560
Cell (214) 325-1916
Washington, DC

Future – Shaping America’s Future
Editor – Pluralism Gazette
Accomplishments – What have we accomplished
Author – American Muslim Agenda
Profile – The Ghouse Diary
Wedding Officiant – Interfaith Marriages

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