May 29. 2016, Louisville, Ky — Memorial Day resonates with American Muslims, and a group of Muslims have joined in the tradition of honoring our Veterans on this Memorial day by visiting the Louisville Veteran’s Cemetery for a short prayer.
Place: 4701 Brownsboro Road, Louisville, KY 40207
Date: Monday, May 30, 2016 | 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
If you wish to join us, please let me know (214) 325-1916
We urge you to hold a short prayer in your town.
The freedom that we cherish today did not come to us on a platter, and was not a given thing either. It was earned for us through the sacrifices of our men and women right from George Washington down to the soldiers fighting for us currently. We owe our gratitude to our veterans.
One of the greatest values about American culture is the amount of reverence given to the final resting place of our veterans. Expression of gratitude is one of the many things that bring serene happiness to the soul.
God Bless our Veterans and God Bless America!
The full article at Muslims on Memorial Day
Every Memorial Day the soldiers of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) plant a flag in front of each grave marker in Arlington National Cemetery, Va. The flags represent our thanks for their service to our nation, the sacrifices they made and the blood they shed, regardless of their own backgrounds or faiths. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jose A. Torres Jr.)