You and I are here today because of our Mother. No matter what happens to the world, or her, you are first to her; your life is more precious to her than herself. She is an icon of selflessness..
Prophet Muhammad was asked by his associates, who is the most important person in one’s life – he says, “Mother”, they ask again, the answer was “Mother again” and same response was given for the third time, such is the importance given to mother. He said, your heaven, your paradise and your peace of mind comes to you by serving your mother.
In the Hindu tradition Mother is worshiped and she is represented by Ma Saraswati (source of knowledge), Ma Lakshmi (source of income) and the likes… Mother’s face is equated with God’s face, a song celebrates Mother by saying, if I have seen your face mother, I have seen God.
The Baha’i faith, “For mothers are the first educators, the first mentors; and truly it is the mothers who determine the happiness, the future greatness, the courteous ways and learning and judgment, the understanding and the faith of their little ones.”
In Jewish tradition, your heritage is determined by your Mother, you are a Jew because of your mother. Many Christians consider Mother Mary, as Mother of God, and for many others she is the spiritual mother.
In the native traditions, be it American, European, African, or Asian, Mother is creator in the form of mother Earth.
You will find mother is placed at the highest spiritual level in all religions, traditions and life forms. Those who have a mother to see, you are the blessed one, those who don’t, you have her blessings.
Those who have tensions with your mother, ask her blessings, you will find the best happiness of life in that asking.
I lost my mother some ten years ago and here is a dedication to my mother I wrote last year.http://nabsites.net/demo/mother-my-story-happy-mothers-day/
A Powerful Message on Mother’s day from Amir Khan, Bollywood movie star. If you know Urdu/Hindi language
Good news, I have just added the summary in English transcript at the following link.
Happy Mother’s day.
Mike Ghouse