Wednesday, November 25, 2015 – 8:40 AM
Stuart Varney Show on Fox Business
These were my talking point, and did not make them all, but a few, that’s how it goes.
Stuart Varney Show on Fox Business
Video link to the show will be added upon availability
# # http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/4631439376001/american-muslims-speaking-out-against-isis/?#sp=show-clips
These were my talking point, and did not make them all, but a few, that’s how it goes.
First of
all, I thank you and Jennie Lubart for being the catalyst. Stuart, your goading did it. We were planning
for end of December but we did it now before thanksgiving. And Jennie, thanks for the PSA’s in support of
our event.
all, I thank you and Jennie Lubart for being the catalyst. Stuart, your goading did it. We were planning
for end of December but we did it now before thanksgiving. And Jennie, thanks for the PSA’s in support of
our event.
It was a small step for Muslims, but a giant leap for Americans. It will release a few from the guilt of
mistreating fellow Americans who are Muslims.
We are moving towards building a cohesive America where no human has to
live in fear of the other. Human beings feel good when they are free from hate
and ill-will, and are more like God, just kind and merciful.
mistreating fellow Americans who are Muslims.
We are moving towards building a cohesive America where no human has to
live in fear of the other. Human beings feel good when they are free from hate
and ill-will, and are more like God, just kind and merciful.
I believe that this effort has seeded the
momentum for yet another positive movement; acceptance of Muslims as equals in
the process of integration and removal of hate and restoration of God within
those who were misguided and loaded with ill-will.
momentum for yet another positive movement; acceptance of Muslims as equals in
the process of integration and removal of hate and restoration of God within
those who were misguided and loaded with ill-will.
Muslims are reluctant to demonstrate for their own rights, but
they will stand up for others rights. As
usual we had naysayers, urging us to back off, drop it off, don’t rock the
boat. Indeed this is how all moderates act in every group, Chrsitians, Jews,
African Americans or Hispanics.
they will stand up for others rights. As
usual we had naysayers, urging us to back off, drop it off, don’t rock the
boat. Indeed this is how all moderates act in every group, Chrsitians, Jews,
African Americans or Hispanics.
The symbolic location was chosen to mirror the
effort of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who brought a positive change to the
American civil Society with his famous, “I have a dream” speech. Indeed, this event seeds the Muslim dream to
be contributors and productive citizens of America without the fear of the
disappearing few. It was symbolic for us to
speak from the same spot seeding a positive change for full integration and
acceptance of Muslims.
effort of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who brought a positive change to the
American civil Society with his famous, “I have a dream” speech. Indeed, this event seeds the Muslim dream to
be contributors and productive citizens of America without the fear of the
disappearing few. It was symbolic for us to
speak from the same spot seeding a positive change for full integration and
acceptance of Muslims.
Evil exists because
good people do nothing about it. We the good people wanted to send a clear
message to the terrorists, that we are sick of their gangs like, ISIS,
Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and their ilk committing evil acts and conveniently
passing the buck on to the religion.
good people do nothing about it. We the good people wanted to send a clear
message to the terrorists, that we are sick of their gangs like, ISIS,
Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and their ilk committing evil acts and conveniently
passing the buck on to the religion.
Muslims are neither happy with those few gullible
fellow Americans who are too eager to buy the poor excuses of these gangs.
Instead of punishing these criminals, my fellow Americans are hell bent on
finding faults with the religion.
fellow Americans who are too eager to buy the poor excuses of these gangs.
Instead of punishing these criminals, my fellow Americans are hell bent on
finding faults with the religion.
Trump is a bubble that will burst any time,
look at the history of our elections in the last 30 years, Americans have never
elected irresponsible extremists to the office of the President, and I am not
worried about Mr. Flip Flop.
look at the history of our elections in the last 30 years, Americans have never
elected irresponsible extremists to the office of the President, and I am not
worried about Mr. Flip Flop.
Carson or Trump, need to learn to respect
our constitution, and understand why America is one of the most stable and
powerful nation – we are a country of Law and order and that is what holds us
together. These whimsical men cannot
destroy our country
our constitution, and understand why America is one of the most stable and
powerful nation – we are a country of Law and order and that is what holds us
together. These whimsical men cannot
destroy our country
Stuart you are a smart guy, you will build your
ratings by inclusion of all Americans on your show. What you have done is
incredible. I have seen emails from the moderate Americans, The Christians,
Jews, Muslims and others to watch your show and Hannity when I am on it.
ratings by inclusion of all Americans on your show. What you have done is
incredible. I have seen emails from the moderate Americans, The Christians,
Jews, Muslims and others to watch your show and Hannity when I am on it.
It was a small step for Muslims, but a giant leap for Americans. It will release a few from the guilt of
mistreating fellow Americans who are Muslims.
We are moving towards building a cohesive America where no human has to
live in fear of the other. Human beings feel good when they are free from hate
and ill-will, and are more like God, just kind and merciful.
Happy thanksgiving, I will have a beautiful story about
thanksgiving on our website American Muslim Institution. Org and of course on
my blog TheGhouseDiary.com As a Muslim,
I am grateful to the God and our founding fathers for Making America God’s own
thanksgiving on our website American Muslim Institution. Org and of course on
my blog TheGhouseDiary.com As a Muslim,
I am grateful to the God and our founding fathers for Making America God’s own
Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer, newsmaker and a speaker on Pluralism, Interfaith, Islam,politics, human rights, India, Israel-Palestine, foreign policy and building cohesive societies. Mike offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.
More about him in 63 links at www.MikeGhouse.net and his writings are at TheGhousediary.com.