The show will be broadcasted in over 250 stations across America, to find your local station go to
- Dr. Ben Carson out- trumps Trump in Discriminatory Attitude.
- Donald Trump – Muslims have become the latest Punching Bag in the Republican Party Presidential Campaign for 2015
- Ahmed Mohamed – Islamophobia Strikes a 14 year old in Texas
Hannity Radio
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5:00 P.M. EST – Brigitte Gabriel, President of ACT for America, Mike Ghouse, President of the America Together Foundation, and Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and author of “A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot’s Fight to Save His Faith.” The three guests will be discussing the controversy surrounding the GOP candidates and Islam as well as the latest on Ahmed and his “clock” and the European refugee crisis.
Over the weekend, Dr. Ben Carson said he wouldn’t support a Muslim for president of the United States because Islam is at odds with American values and our constitution
Last week, Donald Trump came under fire for not rebuking an audience member who claimed Obama was a Muslim and was not born in this country
The story of 14-year-old Ahmed and his “clock” captivated much of the country last week and had Muslim groups crying “Islamophobia,” but it turns out there was a lot more to his story…
Over a thousand Arab immigrants a day are seeking asylum in Sweden, with the promises of free housing and blonde women
Muslim migrants chanting “Allahu Akbar” attack Slovenian police
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