As Muslims we need to participate and contribute to the well being of our nation, we will earn back our respect by simply serving the nation. What was the first Sunnah of the Prophet? It was to be the Amin, truthful, trustworthy and just, someone around whom people felt safe, secure and at peace. If we follow the first Sunnah, and become Amins to the Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and others like the Prophet did, then we have become a part of the society in building a nation that is good for every American including the ones who may not like us – that was the third Sunnah of the prophet.
Indeed, we are not connected enough with the mainstream society for a vast majority of Americans to stand up for us, empathize with us, or even understand the truth about us that we are no different than them in our endeavors and aspirations of life. We need to take the initiatives. Full piece at:
Nonsense is the right sentiment, but uttering the word will not change the mindset of a few on the edge. A few (just a few) Muslims are programmed with Haram and Halal mind-set, selectively that is all they see in life. Iqra; to read, to think and to understand is not part of their system. What do we need to do? Call them Ignorant? So they can call us names? No, that will not cut it, instead, we need to sit together where each member is given full value for his or her opinion for a genuine dialogue to take place. I have experimented with the right wing Republicans with more success than failures, and a Yemeni Muslim Judge has proved that it works. Muhammad Yunus and I have delved it from a social and Quranic point of view for you consideration at:
Regardless of whom you vote, you must be congratulated for exercising your right. Let’s respect our decisions motivated by our beliefs. On my Part, I have voted for Obama and some of my friends have voted for Romney. Please protect yourselves from letting the politics make it difficult between you and your friends.