Video Speech on July 4th and Muslims
Huffington Post – Muslims Celebrate July 4th with their heart, mind, and soul!
Video Speech on July 4th at Ahmadiyya Muslim Annual Jalsa
Press release
Tipu Sultan and July 4th
There are over 20 write-ups on July 4th
Today’s write up
We are a nation of free people, both politically and religiously, thanks to our founding fathers for setting up a beautiful country for enjoying freedom for generations and perhaps forever. However, we also need the release from entanglements and live freely.
Seriously, you can achieve that freedom by forgiving people who have hurt you and seeking forgiveness from those you hurt. Let me share how it worked for me.
When Texas Savings and Loans crumbled, I was managing the properties of Empire Savings; the CEO was good to me. He reimbursed all the repair expenses. There was a house on Pinery Dr in West Richardson that I spent 35000 on remodeling. As usual, I walked up with the bills – He looked straight in my face and told me he did not own the property anymore. He had transferred to his father’s name. I was angry to no limit, and my blood boiled each time I saw his name or heard it.
Ten years later, I was to speak at the Canyon Country Club, and I had to pass by the Pinery Dr – my blood boiled again. So, I decided to drive in front of the house, parked my car, closed my eyes, sincerely forgave the man, and prayed. That was the last time I was tense. After that, I accomplished peace. I have cleaned my slate and cleaned it frequently.
Spiritual freedom is the most outstanding achievement in one’s life and permanently clings to you till eternity. Those of us, who can free ourselves from tension, pain, anxiety, apprehension, hostility, malice, pressure, tension, stress, strain, and conflicts, are showered with blessings of peace and joy. It is good to be free. You live in the greatest country on the earth; say a word of gratitude to the founding fathers and our constitution.
May you be blessed with true freedom.
Happy 4th, my friends
Mike Ghouse is a motivational speaker and an interfaith wedding officiant. He is the founder of the Center for Pluralism and offers pluralistic solutions to policymakers and the media. More about him at www.TheGhouseDiary.com