This highlights a major factor in nation(s) building – you take on step forward to nurture goodwill, the other is bound to take a similar step, please don’t stop the momentum if the others do not match… keep doing, some day others will come around. National policies should not be based on pushing the other down, but lifting them and raising along with them with the lift.
The fodder for the politicians is hate and anti-India or anti-Pakistan propaganda, because there are a few immoral chamchas out there who clap for their false destructive heroism, the idiots want to do more damage. Please do not encourage the ones who gain nothing and don’t let others prosper either.
Next time one spills hate for India or Pakistan, be blunt and ask them – does this feed your family? Does this make your heart purer? If it is an older man, ask him, if he is ever going to flush out the sewer from his heart?
Thank God, out of the 100,000 Indians and Pakistanis in Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, you can count on an insignificant number of about a dozen of them with sewage filled hearts. I pray that they flush it out and start enjoying the life. It is never too late and I would clap for those who are committed to bring goodness.
We have to continue to do the good, there is hope in it and there is goodness in it for all. Let us become the Ambassadors of peace whether the other acts good or not. We need to be free from ill-will, let the politicians feed of that…