Embarassing Presidential debate on 11.12.11

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Rather than who has plans to bring lasting peace and prosperity to the World, Security to Israel and
Justice to the Palestinians, the candidates will be vying for kissing Israel; who does the most. Who is
bent on destruction and bombing others? Ultimately it amounts to screwing both Israelis and Americans. How long can they dupe the Israeli and Americans?

Has this policy been good to any one so far?

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Romney is the tortoise in the equation
Hunstsman is viable, may be the best candidate
Perry will survive for another bout
Perry dared Israel, AIPAC will get him

Paul was sidelined, shame on them
Santorum was good on Iran and that was about it
Bachman should not be there and use up the time
Cain had too generic a conversation that any one can do
Perry resorted to rhetoric.. unti I die words
I am a republican and do not relate with Bachman, Santorum, Perry, Cain, and I forgot, Gingrich too. They beleive in torture, bombing and bullying and seem to be sadistic. That is not a Republican value, but a right wing phenomenon.  

Israel needs genuine security and not the duplicity of these candidates. Their policies have not brought security, and if followed, it will push Israel further deep into isolation and insecurities. to be friends is to find the path and not appeasement that is a pediment. 

I am at this time leaning towards Romney, but would like to see Huntsman there.

Mike Ghouse
Committed to a cohesive America

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