Dallas Fox News – Mike Ghouse about Robert Jeffress
It’s scratching the old wounds, Deja vu! Pastor Robert Jeffress of the First
Baptist Church of Dallas is at it again, calling undesirable Epithets about Islam,
Prophet and the Quran.
Baptist Church of Dallas is at it again, calling undesirable Epithets about Islam,
Prophet and the Quran.
My response has remained the same, condemn the sin and not the sinner. The
Pastor has a moral obligation to search for the truth and share it with his
congregation for creating harmony in the society.
Pastor has a moral obligation to search for the truth and share it with his
congregation for creating harmony in the society.
I have offered him an incentive to have a dialogue in the public. If he can
find three errors in Quran that are not about creating just societies, and we
agree to it, I’ll become a member of his church, if not he has to give up on his
rhetoric and join me in creating peaceful Societies.
find three errors in Quran that are not about creating just societies, and we
agree to it, I’ll become a member of his church, if not he has to give up on his
rhetoric and join me in creating peaceful Societies.
His passion can do a lot of good for America if he subscribes to the idea
of one nation.
of one nation.
Full story from five years ago is at www.quraanconference.com
This is an amazing model we have established, there is nothing like this,
but a very powerful event.
but a very powerful event.
The interview with Richard Ray of local Fox News was excellent and will be
broadcaster tonite at 10:00. If fox cuts out the key elements, I’ll rewrite this
in full and share.
broadcaster tonite at 10:00. If fox cuts out the key elements, I’ll rewrite this
in full and share.
2 Videos are embedded in this link at Fox News
Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress criticized for sermon denouncing Islam
After the terror attacks in Paris, Pastor Robert Jeffress from First Baptist Dallas denounced Islam, calling it an evil and false religion.
This isn’t the first time he’s made headlines for fiery rhetoric, and that’s why one of his critics calls him “bad for Dallas.”
Jeffress says he is faithfully teaching the word of God, and that it’s politically incorrect to say the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, but it’s God’s truth.
“It is impossible to separate what these eight suicide bombers did from their faith, their religion that inspired them do to do this,” said Jeffress.
First Baptist Dallas is 12,000 members strong.
“These terrorists were not acting in opposition to the teaching of Islam,” said Jeffress. “They were acting according to the teaching of Islam.”
Jeffress’ comments sparked a scathing blog post by Dr. Robert Hunt at SMU’s Perkins School of Theology, entitled “The Darkness in the Heart
of Dallas.”

Jeffress says he is faithfully teaching the word of God, and that it’s politically incorrect to say the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, but it’s God’s truth.
“It is impossible to separate what these eight suicide bombers did from their faith, their religion that inspired them do to do this,” said Jeffress.
First Baptist Dallas is 12,000 members strong.
“It’s certainly the case that members of the Muslim community here in the DFW area perceive that Dr. Jeffress’ speech is hateful toward them,” said Hunt. “And, so I think it’s fair to call it hate speech.”
In his blog, Hunt accuses Jeffress of systematically attacking tolerance and respect for religious minorities.
“I believe all false religions, whether it’s Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, are deceptions by Satan to lead people away from the one true God,” said Jeffress. “To tell people that the only way to heaven is through faith in Christ is a message of hate but a message of love…what you’ve got is a liberal professor at a liberal seminary that really doesn’t believe what Jesus said. They don’t believe that Jesus was telling the truth that there’s only one way to heaven.”
“That’s flat wrong,” said Hunt. “I hear that accusation all the time, but the reason is because pastors like Robert Jeffress and his followers simply believe that there’s only a binary world. You either agree with them or you disagree with them. This is not an either or; you’re either with Jeffress or you’re against him. It’s a matter of asking that he show the dignity and respect for other religions that they deserve and for other religious people that they deserve.”
Mike Ghouse of American Muslim Institution has been down this road before. In 2010, he and another Islamic leader met with Dr. Jeffress at First Baptist after similar remarks from the pulpit.
Ghouse says Jeffress has a flawed understanding of what Islam’s Quran actually says.
“Whether it is Christianity, Judaism, Islam or Hinduism, God doesn’t hate his own creation,” said Ghouse. “God doesn’t tell anybody to hate someone else.”
Jeffress has written 23 books. His latest, “Not All Roads Lead to Heaven,” will be out soon.
# # # Indeed, we have been down on this road before, and we found a solutions that has never been done before – details are at www.QuraanConference.com