Good things in the world commence with individuals, it is their drive to make life better for every one that makes a difference in how we function as a society.
Anthony Chisom is one such individual who has committed to bring about a change for those affected by HIV, himself being one. It was so good to see his parents participate and give him the support and acceptance that every HIV infected person deserves. Anthony is blessed and is working to create that blessing for those who are not. The least we can do is giving encouragement and support to his efforts.
His initiative, the first annual South Dallas Aid’s walk will make a difference. I am thankful to Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk for reminding me about the walk and, it was good to see her, Joshua, Vicki, Coke, Ken and Todd and other friends who joined the march. It was quite a feat to see so many people join in; it was over half a mile long and about 3 miles walk.
AIDS is not the issue of those affected by it, it is an American issue and together we must find solutions.
Personally I am frustrated with my iphone, I took over 30 pictures and two videos, after downloading on my computer and deleting at the source which I should not have done, I was left with one video and a few pictures. I tried everything to recover in vain. I am sure enough pictures will be posted to mark this event.
God bless America and Anthony Chisolm
Mike Ghouse, Americans together building cohesive societies.