Ironically, I find my time meaningful whenever I am hurt; it allows me to seriously think about the issues. Last night I fell again, 2nd time in my life, and checked in and out of hospital this morning. No fracture, thank God. When I had the cardiac arrest in 2013, I wrote an extensive article called Michami Dukkadam – about seeking forgiveness and forgiving others. I tied most of the loose ends of my life at that time; it is a daily effort. If I were to croak today, I have no regrets; I will go in peace.

It’s overwhelming; every morning, I spend my time trying to think about solutions. How do we restore harmony among fellow Americans? Right or wrong, there are grievances. Will Trump speak to the Qanon people to lay down and join the mainstream to build a secure America for everyone? Will Joe Biden bring Americans together, or is it merely rhetoric?
I missed giving a presentation last night, “Fulfilling President Joe Biden’s Dream of Bringing Americans Together (Political Pluralism),” organized by the College of Complexes in Dallas. I am glad to see Tom Berry has rescheduled the meeting to February 20th. I am committed to bringing Americans Together (C) and hope to see an America where each one of us feels secure. It is an inclusive America.
Across the world, Christian persecutions continue in Nigeria, China, India, Pakistan, and other nations. Harassment of Hindus in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh is a daily affair. Muslims are on the verge of facing genocide in China, Burma, India, and Sri Lanka. Anti-Semitism has spread from Europe to Latin America.
My request to you is not to be biased against any group of people; it is a few individuals who drive the agenda; all others in that group are sheep. We have to reach them and have a dialogue.
At the Center for Pluralism, I continue to learn and strongly feel that Religions are never the problem; there are always a few people who don’t get their religion right, and they are the problem. They are raw men and women driven by the lust of power and greed to accumulate wealth.
If everyone follows their religion, the world would be free from conflicts. The criminals use religion to meet their greedy ends.
The people who are not persecuting others are Sikhs, Bahais, Jains, Falun Dafa, Mormons, Ahmadiyya, Zoroastrians, and other smaller groups. I wonder if they get the power and a nation to rule will they do the same to their minorities? The Mormons did oppose same-sex marriages, though.
I feel like one of my legs is in boiling water and the other in chilled water giving me both comfort and pain.That is what I go through every day.
Men like Jeff Bezos, Ambani, Zuckerburg, Adani, and others do create jobs and put things at our doors at a lower price – would they take all this wealth when they die? Steve Jobs, one of them, had realized the vanity of wealth and power. Unfortunately, it was on his death bed. I hope these greedy men take time to think about life and their role in it. They just have to stop and smell the roses.
I hope someone drills sense into Ambani and Adani in India to tell Modi to cancel the laws enacted against the farmers’ wishes. They have enough wealth and need no more. Their silence amazes me.
Individuals like Gates, Soros, Premji, and others are giving away their wealth for society’s benefit. I wish more people focus on doing good things in life. The world would be a better place. I hope the rich people invest their monies in promoting goodwill among communities.
February 20th – Meeting #526 organized by the College of Complexes in Dallas, Texas
Fulfilling President Joe Biden’s Dream of Bringing Americans Together (Political Pluralism)
Dr. Mike Ghouse, a Public Speaker, pluralist, thinker, author, community organizer, news maker, interfaith wedding officiant, and founder and president of the Center for Pluralism in Washington, DC, will discuss how President Biden has repeatedly asserted that there is no Red or Blue America, it is the United States of America, that he will be the president of every American, and has committed to bringing America together. Mike will answer: “What does it mean? How will it be accomplished? How does it benefit America in terms of a cohesive social structure and a prosperous economy? What does it take?” He argues that more than election results, we have to start with common interest themes, work on learning about each other, and together rededicate our pledge for one nation. Mike explains that this is a gradual process of creating the sense that we are all in this together for the common good. He concludes by offering a blueprint to accomplish bringing America together and welcomes attempts to punch holes in his presentation. See also: http://www.TheGhouse.com