Honorable Secretary of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki -Moon, I salute you for taking the stand on the human rights of the GLBT community. It is time the leaders of the world take a stand and lead the way for the people. I firmly stand with you.
Mr. Bank ki-Moon, you stood up against the many, you are the shepherd and not the sheep. Thank you.
Please watch the video link below, you will salute him too!
It is inspiring to see those who stand up for others.
Think about this, if you don’t stand up for others, why should anyone stand up for you? Standing up for others is the right thing to do, every human goes through a period of invincibility to vulnerability, if we don’t stand up for those who are vulnerable, then who will stand up for us when we are vulnerable?
I was disappointed that many of the 47 members of the Humans rights council walked out in protest, by God they are the members of the human rights commission! It appears like those nations have sent the foxes to guard the hens. Shame on them!
Don’t they have the ability to differentiate between human rights of Gays and Lesbians and Gays and lesbians? Is this the world we want? Do we not want to stop trampling on the rights of others? Has God signed a deal with you to give you that right? The issues is not about promoting the gay and lesbian life style, it is already there, it is about protecting their rights to be who they are. God has not assigned you to be the moral police.
The idea of alms, charity, taking care of the elderly, weak, sick and the children is a common theme in every religious tradition. Indeed, it is the insurance for every one’s well being. I cannot be safe when others around me aren’t, and hence it behooves for me to take care of the ones who are vulnerable and target of the hatred from the ignorant few.
I am blessed to have taken a stand for Christians, Jews, Catholics, Immigrants, Hindus, Falun Dafa, Wicca, Zoroastrians, Muslims, Native Americans, Christians, Baha’i, Wicca, Sikh and other identities of humanity including GLBT community. It is the right thing to do.
At America Together Foundation, we are committed to build a cohesive America, where no American has to live in discomfort, apprehension or fear of the other. We hope to plan on a
symposium on the topic sometimes this year, funds permitting.
March 21, 2012. It’s not every day that a major world figure speaks out forcefully in defense of equality. But earlier this month, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon did just that when he made an incredibly powerful speech at the U.N. in Geneva. But most people didn’t even hear about it.
Why? After the speech, the media focused on a handful of delegates who stormed out of meeting in protest. Their story – that gay people should be denied human rights – is the one that dominated the day’s news. But with your help, we’re going to change that.
Our friends at the U.N. let us REMIX Ban Ki-moon, so we took his speech and created this video. We hope you like it! After you watch, please share with your friends and family, helping this inspiring message reach the audience it deserves.
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MikeGhouse is committed to building a
Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a
professional speaker, thinker and a writer on
pluralism, politics,
civic affairs,
Israel, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest on
Sean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he writes weekly at
Dallas Morning News and regularly at
Huffington post, The Smirking Chimp and several other periodicals. His daily blog is