On Oct. 9 and 10, a group of loosely connected protesters plan to host anti-Muslim demonstrations in front of at least 20 mosques, community centers and government offices. While some organizers have urged participants to leave their weapons at home, others are urging protesters to exercise “ALL of your Constitutional Rights.”

While this group has the right to stage lawful demonstrations, all places of worship are legally protected. So, please work with your law enforcement officials to provide officers to protect the Masjid during the demonstrations.
No one is our enemy, and no one is out to get us. They have questions, and we need to boldly address them to allay their fears. We have to come together as Americans and solve our problems together.
Inaction, isolation, retraction, silo-ing ourselves or hiding behind presumably safe walls is not an option; it simply prolongs the integration process and intensifies the distrust.
- Let every Masjid that our friends want to demonstrate around operate normally, no need to stay home.
- Every Masjid should fly the American Flag.
- Let every Masjid provide water for the visitors in front of the building through vendors, and, if funds are available, serve kosher hot dogs.
- Muslim women and youth to hold Placards or Banners to say
- We welcome our friends, fellow Americans to
- Join us in an interfaith prayer led by a Pastor, Rabbi, Imam or a Priest
- We are Americans, this is our home
- We abide by our American Laws
- We believe in U.S. Constitution
- Safety of All Americans is our prime goal
- We are all Americans, let’s join hands
E. We are designing the placards and will make them available on our website www.AmericanMuslimInstitution.org .
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