Advise To Biden On Afghanistan

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Taliban take over of Afghanistan is a reality, no matter what the UN Chief says, China and Russia will veto any bill passed by UNGA.

What we can do is make efforts to urge the Taliban to follow the Islam of the Prophet.

Biden can cite the Prophet in his press conference. “When Prophets associates took over Mecca without bloodshed. The most important item of that event was the unconditional forgiveness to everyone in Mecca, friends and foes alike. It made everyone feel secure, and peace and prosperity came to all of them.”

Biden should recognize the Taliban and invite them to the White House. Start the relationship with friendliness, it will go somewhere. This approach has a small chance to bring them to civil society, whereas, denial and rejection will create adversarial relationships and goes nowhere. Taliban don’t give a crap to our threats. Threats and bombings have not worked with them and have zero chances of bringing any change. We need to shed our arrogance to solve problems with military might, we have seen that in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and elsewhere.

Bush Blunder

In 2006 when Hamas won the elections in Gaza, President Bush rejected their legitimacy, he even did not invite them to participate in a conference in Annapolis. The Hamas’s gang dug in their heels and chose to resort to violence. If Bush advisors had any brains, they would have included Hamas and given them a chance to deal with civil society, there was a chance, even if it were a small chance to bring peace between Israel and Palestine. What kind of nincompoops do we have as policy advisors?

Taliban’s Islam or Yogi’s Hinduism? Wrote earlier

Mike Ghouse offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day to the media, policymakers, and the public. More about him at

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