September 13, 2012 – Shows – The Sean Hannity Show
Sean sat
down with Mike Ghouse and Brigitte Gabriel to talk about the ways the
United States can respond. “They do not deserve our money,” an angry Gabriel
How Should We Respond?
In the wake of recent attacks to U.S. Officials in Libya, Sean spent some time this week talking about how we should respond. Sean sat down with Mike Ghouse and Brigitte Gabriel to talk about the ways the United States can respond. “They do not deserve our money,” an angry Gabriel offered, “They do not deserve our money and they do not deserve our support and it’s time for our president to stand up to a bunch of thugs who are attacking us like this.”
Ghouse took a slightly more forgiving stance saying, “I condemn what has happened in Libya, killing our ambassador is not acceptable, if you look at our own democracy though, it took many years to stabilize the democracy but it is in their blood right now.” Sean spent some time this afternoon on Twitter, flushing out details with Dana Perino about a potentially great new plan for the United States.
He wrote, Good Idea @DanaPerino – Sending the occupiers to go “talk” and “reason with the anti-American protesters in Egypt, Libya, etc. In all seriousness though, we should be looking to our leaders in Washington for answers and a plan, something that doesn’t seem to be coming very quickly.
This is a rush transcript from “Hannity,” September 12, 2012. This copy
may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: I think what is important to look at is
that the dramatic footage not only demonstrates that radicalism is still
prevalent in the Middle East, but it exposes a clear and present danger to
Americans both here and abroad.
In other words, the war on terror is ongoing.
Look at these live pictures.
They are out of Cairo. Thousands of protesters are hitting the streets.
Let me bring in Middle East experts Michael Ghouse and Brigitte Gabriel. You
know, Michael, all throughout our argument that we have had as the Arab spring
was unfolding, you told me over and over again that things were going to work
out and democracy was going to emerge. I told you that the Muslim Brotherhood
was going to take over. They first got parliament and they said Israel is their
number one enemy.
Will you now agree with me that I was right and you were wrong on this
particular issue?
somebody called you today. I will agree with you on that particular, specific
issue, but I don’t agree with other things. First of all, I want to extend my
prayers for the bereaved families and condemn what has happened in Libya,
killing our ambassador is not acceptable —
HANNITY: You told me the Muslim Brotherhood would be
moderated by the military. That’s not true, Michael.
GHOUSE: Sean, if you look at our own democracy, it took many
years to stabilize the democracy. It will tame take some time. It is sad, it’s
happening, but let’s give them some time, Sean. Democracy is in their blood
right now —
HANNITY: Give them some time as they rip down our flag and
the radicals take over and put up an Al Qaeda flag. Michael wants me to give
them some time.
GHOUSE: No, Sean, let me — Romney was wrong —
going to waste any more time! We are casting our pearls at the feet of swine at
this time. They do not deserve our money. They do not deserve our support. It’s
about time our president stands up as a man and stands up to a bunch of thugs
destroying our reputation and attacking us like this! This is the home of the
brave, not the land of cowards. And we need a president who is a brave man to
stand up against our enemy and stop squandering our money on people who don’t
deserve it!
We gave them enough time. Now it’s time to act. I urge everyone watching this
interview to go to and get involved in taking back our nation
and putting America’s head back up high and speaking as the land of the brave!
It’s about time to act.
HANNITY: Brigitte, maybe the president should have showed up
at a few of his intelligence — daily intelligence briefings, which liberals
made such a big deal about when George Bush was in the White House, which George
Bush actually attended on a daily basis.
Maybe — he can identify them as radical Islamists, which they are. That
seems to be missing in Fort Hood — that’s the common theme this. This president
will not say the word radical terrorist. He will not say war on terror. It seems
to me that is pathetically weak.
GABRIEL: Sean, it is pathetically weak. Sean, we found out
the Egyptian intelligence knew September 4 that there will be attacks against
the United States Embassy. If the Egyptian intelligence knew that, how come our
president did not know it? Did he miss the briefing when they informed him about
the embassy going to be attacked?
This is not news. This is not new. We knew the embassies are going to be
attacked. How come our government is putting our people’s lives in danger,
overseas in a country where we know they are not protecting our people?
This is why it’s the job of the president and the job of the people to hold
him accountable to say that we are facing an enemy that is radical Islamist and
the flag they raised up is not an Al Qaeda flag. It’s an Islamic flag that was
invented in the 800s, the most authentic symbol of Islam that only Al Qaeda and
the radical Islamist are now bringing back and reviving to attack the western
United States.
HANNITY: All right, I appreciate you both being with us. I
wish I was wrong when the Arab Spring was happening. We’ve predicted the Muslim
Brotherhood would be in charge. We predicted a lot of this would happen. Most of
the mainstream media, the president, they all ignored what was obvious to those
of us who had eyes to see.
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Mike Ghouse is committed to building a Cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. He is a professional speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, politics, civic affairs, Islam, India, Israel, peace and justice. Mike is a frequent guest onSean Hannity show on Fox TV, and a commentator on national radio networks, he contributes weekly to the Texas Faith Column at Dallas Morning News and regularly atHuffington post, and several other periodicals across the world. The is updated daily.