This is one of the most difficult programs I have organized and endured. Thank God, I have been able to survive the scathing remarks, biased attitudes, outright belligerence, threats and boycotts for five years.
As a group together participating in a dialouge, we have talked, mentioned and shared about more atrocities than an averege person can list, I mean the average you and not the Human rights activists. Here are a few of the many graphic pictures we have shown in our programs. If you have a weak heart, do not watch it, they are too difficult, but imagine the folks who lived through this hell. Please pay homage to them and their suffering by spending two hours a year and accepting our share of individual responsibly to work and to mean the famous Jewish phrase, “Never Again”.
If we have not shared a picture or a representation of a genocide, it is simply because we are not aware of it, it is humanly impossibe for any, including you to list every attrocity out there. So please take the resonsiblity to share the pictures of genocides so we can add. Thank you.
The overriding desire to highlight our own suffering blinds us from other’s suffering.
Other people’s suffering is as legitimate as ours; when we strip the politics out of a conflict, we see hope; we can value others suffering without lessening our own;
You and I owe to those who stood up for us, or stood up for someone up our line. The only way to pay our debt is to stand up for others. It is worth your time to pay homage to millions who were killed for no other reason than they were humans like you and I who did not harm anyone.
A sense of responsibility for creating a better world gets awakened; ultimately co-existence and every one’s safety and peace should be the driving thought.
We invite sponsors, facilitators, speakers, writers and volunteers from individuals and organizations to make this happen. It is an initiative of American Muslims striving to build responsible civic societies, where justice and co-existence are our values.
Committed to building a cohesive America
Mike Ghouse