DC, November 17, 2015 — We have tried the Bush way and Obama way of handling
terrorism, neither has worked, the first one created more of it, and second one
has not mitigated it either. As a
moderate Muslim, I offer the Islamic way of handling terrorism.
Here is the plan.
preparations and consultations, in behalf of the United Nations, President
Obama is requested to deliver a three days notice to Mr. Baghdadi and his deputies;
“Mr. Baghdadi, you have three days to stop killing innocent people and
destroying Allah’s creation; life and environment. If you do not heed the warning, we will hunt you down
and ambush wherever you hide. If
not, we will gas you guys, few square
miles at a time, not to hurt you, but to
capture and put you on trial and ask you to give up the false claims you are
making about your religion. Mind you,
the Muslims soldiers from around the world will be in the front line against
President to continue , “ We will give you copies of the Quran and make you
read and understand until you get that right – not what is dished out to you by
the Ulema (Scholars) of the past, but what God tells you in
the Quran.”
The Quran tells you in 5:32, “If anyone slays a person, it would be as if
he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he
saved the life of the whole people.” And “Enjoin doing what is right and
forbid what is wrong,” Quran 9:71. The wisdom is simple – God created
everything in harmony (55:06-55:10) and you have messed it up big time. And it
is our responsibility as fellow humans to forbid you from doing that, and
restore harmony and cohesiveness of Allah’s creation.
You know, Allah advises us to be kinder and gentler towards you if you
reconsider and surrender. If you repent and bow down toward Allah’s
guidance to preserve the balance and harmony of the world around you, we will
be lenient. He promises glad tidings to “all” believers (9:112), and
we hope you would become a believer in the Quran that you claim to be.
By the way, you don’t own Allah, the Prophet, Islam or the Quran. It
is the book of wisdom for the whole humanity and you cannot claim exclusive
ownership of it. (Huffington Post).
restoring peace and sanity to the planet.
concludes with this, “Blaming the religion is the dumbest thing to do, because we
cannot beat, kick, hack, shoot, hang, kill or bury a religion, it’s an
intangible thing my fellow Americans! We can blame the individuals and
restore trust and harmony back in the society. “
God bless America.
Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer,
news maker, and a speaker on Pluralism, Interfaith, Islam, politics, human rights, India, Israel-Palestine and foreign
policy. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers
pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at
www.MikeGhouse.net and bulk of his writings are at TheGhousediary.com