- Title – Ramadan day 22 – Desoto Masjid Al-Islam
- Date – Friday, August 10, 2012 | Ramadan 22, 1433
- Place – Desoto Masjid Al-Islam (972) 274-1101
- Address – 1120 W. Beltline Road, Desoto, TX 75115
- Website – N/A
- Experience different traditions daily at:
- Today’s Pictures:
- Iftaar Time today: 8:17 PM CST
- Recommended reading listed below the note
- Link to this piece:
22 Pictures in the link at Flickr given in the summary |
The Imam; Imam Yahya Abdullah is one of the old timers and goes back to the movement of Imam Warith Deen Muhammad, also known as the Nation’s Imam. He has been a part of many of the events we have done and we know each other for at least five years.
Nearly 2 Million Muslims switched from Nation of Islam to Sunni Islam. The WD Muhammad group makes about 1/3rd of Muslims in the United States.”
The atmosphere at this Masjid is more like a family gathering, mixing and mingling with each other. I made it to the Mosque a minute before Iftaar as I was stuck in traffic going through downtown Dallas on a Friday night. I wish I had gone earlier, there is 8 acres of land of this mosque with trees and I would have loved to take some pictures.
In the Warith Deen Tradition, the men and women sit together and break the fast, indeed; it highlights the cultural aspect of Islam. It’s only in America we have come to know that Islam as practiced has the religious and cultural components in it, in most other nations, both are intertwined and hard to distinguish between the two.
Khairi Muhammad, 14, leads the prayers |
The Maghrib prayers were led by Khairi Muhammad, 14 year old student of Imam Yahya. It was refreshing to see this; the Imam lets his students lead the prayers. He said; let them practice it early on!
Khairi also leads the Taraweeh prayers.
What a joy to see the Masjid overwhelmed by young kids, both male and female, most of them prayed the fard (obligatory) as well as the optional prayers. Thanks to the management and membership of the Mosques for participating in picture taking and sharing. I am glad Imam Yahya asked the congregation for taking the pictures and everyone was a happy participant.
The ritual prayers are identical to most of the Sunni Mosques, the only difference I noticed was in the Tashahhud position, and most of us lift the fore finger when we recite, “Ashhadu-an La Ialha Illal La”, but they were lifting the fore finger and the middle finger together, it was more than three people doing that in the Sunna prayers to ignore as a personal thing. I forgot to ask the Imam about its significance, or it is simply a matter of he did it, I do it too!
Thanks to Imam Yahya Abdullah, here is an update from him, “The 2 fingers during At-Tashahuud is because we are making Shahadatain (2 witnesses) not one, 1) La elaha illal Lah, 2) Muhammadan Rasuulu-Lah, as we know ALLAH and Muhammad The Prophet are not the same. First finger for ALLAH and the second finger for Muhammad the Prophet. Imam W. Deen Mohammed taught us this.”
Dinner was non-Asian and non-Middle eastern for the first time in 22 days! It was fish with Barbeque Sauce on it with Brown rice and Salad. I have had barbeque in every fashion, but this was the first time with fish. Oddly it was cooked by a Lebanese itna-Ashri Shia couple and not middle-eastern food. Good food for a change! The brother believed that the Sunnis follow the12 imams, the three of us, Imam Yahya, Marzuk and I assured him that it is not in the Sunna and not a Sunni tradition. He thought that was Sunnah. Most Sunnis assume that all Muslims do what they do.
Khairi Muhammad, Mike Ghouse, Imam Yahya Abdullah and Marzuk Jaami |
The lady across me in green shirt was visiting from Little Rock Arkansas. She was considering doing her Ph.D in psych or pursues a law degree. Her joy was that the sisters were marrying Muslim men; I guess that is the case with all sisters in every faith in the world to marry within the community. It is particularly pronounced among Jews and Muslims, more than others.
It was good to see Marzuk Jaami, if you have lived in Dallas for more than 20 years, you may recall him and many Muslims joining together in the neighborhood watches and driving the drug pushers and gangster out of the neighborhoods, they cleaned the neighborhoods!
Marzuk is also one of the recipients of the “Pluralist” recognition that the Foundation for Pluralism honors every year at the Unity Day program. He pioneered an educational series called Abraham in three faiths, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad in three faiths, a great educational program. Insha Allah, he plans to resume that this September. I wish, I really wish, Muslims from other traditions attend this and enlighten themselves.
Interestingly the dinner conversation involved China, almost everyone on the table was doing business in China, recycle, men’s suits… you name it. A few people call this China Masjid.
They have enough space on their grounds to do the Eid prayers along with other WD Muhammad tradition mosques.
URL: or simply go to
Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 11, 2012 – 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at Unity of Dallas, a positive event that brings all Americans Together to rededicate our pledge for a peaceful, prosperous and secure America. We are a part of America and we need to feel and live it. If you liked some of the article, you will like the description of Unity Day USA
- What does God really want?
- Are Muslims a part of the American society?
- A call from God to know each other
- In defense of Islam, pursuing a civil dialogue
- Prayer postures
- Interfaith Quraan Conference
- Please visit the site
- No American has to live in apprehension or fear of the other. There are solutions; here is a trailer of the movie in making:
Please visit for a record since 2010.