This article was first Published on Saturday, February 9, 2008 at – :
To be a Muslim is to be a peace maker; one who constantly seeks to mitigate conflicts and nurtures goodwill for co-existence and world peace – God wants his creation to be in peace and harmony, and that is the chief purpose of Islam; peace.
Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) Images
I am pleased to append the following two articles for the purpose of understanding the conflict about Prophet Muhammad’s images. Please free to forward and post it on your website of Blog.
1. Why Islam Should Tolerate Images – by B.R. Gowani
2. Wikipedia, Prophet Muhammad, and Muslims – by Sheila Musaji
Much has been written on the subject, a few things are worth reiterating;
1. Arrogance is the root cause of all evil, and the anecdote is humility through prayers.
2. Arrogance breeds a sense of immortality in mortal beings
3. Arrogance causes one to treat the other less than full and creates conflict.
4. Arrogance and spirituality are inversely proportional
5. Arrogance is the first kill in all religions – through the prayers.
Prophet Muhammad is one of the arrogance busters of the world and lived the example of his teachings. Unlike the Kings and heads of state that lived a vainglorious life by putting their pictures or busts in every public space and feel egged one, the prophet who was the head of the state, fountain-head of religion and the society, did the very opposite of it. He asked people not to do that. He wanted people to focus on God the creator and not Man the mortal, over a period of time he did not want people to convert Muhammad to become a God like figure. That is one of the greatest lessons in humility he taught us. I salute him for teaching us that humility. Ya Nabi Salaam Alaikum.
Thank God, Muslims have listened to him and they worship no one but God. His teachings are safe and we need to sense the humility it brings to us, humility is the step from which co-existence is reached.
Mr. Gowani has made a thoughtless comparision,”The Hindu deities are personalized and so are friendly as opposed to the Islamic God who comes out as some stern authoritarian dictator like Yahweh, the God of the Torah, i.e., the Old Testament.”
Every religion presents all aspects of God, God is myriad of qualities, one has to read the whole page (or book) to grasp them all, however, one should never forget the dominant ultimate aspects; Grace and Kindness. God shows his wrath to those who kill other humans, his creation; If there is no punishment, what holds the individual from making a habit of killing? What will happen to the ensuing chaos? In Hinduism God is creator, destroyer and sustainer and Mr. Gowani elected not to give the whole picture. God is most certainly compassionate and kind, and that is highlighted more often than the stern aspect of God.
When someone else wants to identify the prophet through an image or a picture, how can we stop him or her? If they do in a remote Island, we cannot prevent it either. The advice prophet gave to worship no one but God was for Muslims, let’s follow that as individual Muslims. If others refrain out of courtesy that is welcome, but never should be push any one to do it. There shall be no compulsion; Islam is about choices and freedom.
Mike Ghouse