Native American Heritage Day – corrospondence

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I’m pleased to join in the efforts of the Native Americans for a special day to honor their heritage.


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Sent: 2/11/2010 7:59:53 A.M. Central Standard Time
Subj: Ruth…. Native Indian Heritage Day



Did you see the comments on facebook, and am glad, all my friends are signing up one by one, on the petition


On the sites – , and  I have provided the link for people to post their thoughts and notes as well. I am collecting all of this to pass on to you.








In a message dated 2/9/2010 9:58:49 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Thank you for putting my petition on your website means a great deal to me. I do not have a committee. I have started this on my own. I have Cherokee heritage in my family and I am tired of the Native Americans still getting passed over. There are now teenage Native Americans committing suicide on the reservations now.  Some thing must be done. I have sent a letter through my congressman’s website. If I have to I will start sending letters to all 50 state’s senators just to be heard. I am sure if every one started to write to them and to the President of the US then hopefully we will be heard and this will pass on through; and also have enough people who have signed the petition. I am trying to get a web page going soon.  Thank you once again and thank you for signing my petition.

Ms. Ruth Bryan




Sent: 2/10/2010 12:10:45 P.M. Central Standard Time
Subj: Re: Petition Initiative for Native American Heritage Day
Dear Ruthie
To do good work you don’t need to prove your heritage. I am an Indian and a Muslim, and feel I have to stand up for the under privileged

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916

On Feb 10, 2010, at 11:31 AM, Ruthie <> wrote:
Thank You Mike I believe right now we need just be heard and get all the signatures we can. Native Americans are still being treated as a low class citizens even though some have made it to Hollywood and some to do good.  November is suppose to be Native American Heritage month but we hear of nothing of any good that has come with in; like they do with Black Heritage Month.  I do agree with some Columbus Day needs to be replace with the Native American Heritage Day.  I do however can use some ideas I do not have a masters in anything. Just a diploma in Business Administration and a diploma from Stratford in Creative Writing. So, far I am the only one on my mother side to graduate from some type of college. I am just a single mom (widow) trying to make it a better world for my kids and my heritage. I wrote to some one on facebook; and told them it’s my Cherokee heritage that comes out in me the most. I was thinking on doing DNA but comes to find out some those are just scams. So, I am going by what my grandmother told me. It was either my 3rd or 4th great grandfather that was full blood Cherokee. If she was still alive I could ask.

I am not sure who all is trying to get something like this done but I feel we could find one another and start combine together we can get this done sooner.  I will keep in touch and thank you I appreciate the help. Right now I am looking on finding a t-shirt printing place to have some t-shirts done. I had 3 air brushed at the mall this pass weekend. Loved how they turned out.  I am giving one away on facebook to the one who has the most recruits to my cause.   I had them to put a ribbon in the colors of the medicine wheel with a feather hanging next to it as my logo. Then it just says “Support to have a Native American Heritage Day”.
Sorry for being so long; thank you; I appreciate your help. I will keep in touch.

Ms. Ruth Bryan



From: “
To: cherokee 

Sent: Wed, February 10, 2010 10:00:35 AM
Subject: Ruth Bryan: the new write up….. hope you like it

I have written this to appeal to my face book friends to sign up…. hope you can comment on it and take us forward, are you on the face book?!/notes/mike-ghouse/petition-for-native-american-heritage-day/323732092773

Mike Ghouse

Letter sent to Ruth Bryan and copies to Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk and the members of the Memnosyne Board and Staff.


To:  Names removed for privacy
CC:  Removed for privacy
Sent: 2/10/2010 12:41:25 A.M. Central Standard Time
Subj: Petition Initiative for Native American Heritage Day


Dear Ruth,


My heart bleeds for the Native people and what they have endured over the centuries, it is time to acknowledge their tragedy and honor their tradition with the Native American Heritage Day.


I am glad you have taken this initiative and we are here to assist you in whatever little ways we can. It is your plan, and your drive, we will do whatever work you assign us to do, the way you want it.


My organization; the Memnosyne Foundation seeks to create a healthy, sustainable future for mankind, and has established seven centers to achieve that, two of them are dedicated to the preservation of native cultures and native medicine. My other organization, the Foundation for Pluralism is all about Co-existence and Harmony of different values systems.


In collaboration with the University of North Texas, Memnosyne foundation is organizing a conference for


The World Muslim congress and the Foundation for Pluralism in collaboration with the Center for Spiritual living organized the III Annual reflections on Holocaust and Genocides, and I believe, it is for the first time, the  Genocides of the Native Americans was expressed in a public forum along with other Genocides and Holocaust. Peggy Larney and Ricardo Cervantes represented Native Americans and spoke at the event. Peggy Larney has compiled a report on the topic and the full report will be published in the Journal of Pluralism located on the Foundation for Pluralism website within a week and I will share the same with you. A full day conference on Holocaust and Genocides is planned for Wednesday, January 26, 2011. Short documentaries and discussions of every possible human brutality will be discussed in several panels.


I am copying the information to my board members; Co-Chairs Mary Ann Thompson-Frenk, Joshua Frenk, Phillip Collins, Coke Buchanan, Gregory Gomez and other members of the Board.


The petition is at and is ready to go online and  and will send it to my list of people to sign up.
Please sign the petition for Native American Heritage Day


You may also want to read about an: Ancient Tribe Goes extinct as last member dies

Please let Mary Ann, Coke or myself know what we can do.


Thank you for taking the initiative for the Native American Heritage Day.


Mike Ghouse

(214) 235-1916


In a message dated 2/9/2010 9:58:49 P.M. Central Standard Time, Ruthie ____writes:

Thank you for putting my petition on your website means a great deal to me. I do not have a committee. I have started this on my own. I have Cherokee heritage in my family and I am tired of the Native Americans still getting passed over. There are now teenage Native Americans committing suicide on the reservations now.  Some thing must be done. I have sent a letter through my congressman’s website. If I have to I will start sending letters to all 50 state’s senators just to be heard. I am sure if every one started to write to them and to the President of the US then hopefully we will be heard and this will pass on through; and also have enough people who have signed the petition. I am trying to get a web page going soon.  Thank you once again and thank you for signing my petition.

Ms. Ruth Bryan

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About Mike Ghouse

Dr. Mike Ghouse is a public speaker and the Executive Director of the Center for Pluralism in Washington, DC. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him at