No American has to live with the fear of getting stopped by the police, or he/she has to beg to breathe. Every day, African Americans live in tension when they step outside their home, which should not be acceptable. Our civility demands us to treat every human with dignity.
I have always admired the American police, and they represent the values of a majority of Americans. However, there are a few racists among them, and we need to address the issue boldly.
If the police get weekly reminders, that they will lose their job and go to jail if they deviate from the policies, it may mitigate some brutality. We may also have to have monthly psychological tests to determine racist tendencies and refrain them.

Joe’s speech was moving, and this is the first time Joe has scored with me. He said all the right things! In contrast, Trump does not connect with the average Joe and lacks empathy.
“Everyday African Americans go about their lives with constant anxiety and trauma of wondering, ‘Will I be next?’ It sounds like an exaggeration, but it’s not,” Biden remarked.
At this time, the Christians and Muslims in India feel the same as the African Americans do in the United States, worried about the lynchers and Cow-vigilantes. Shame on the prime minister who does not condemn these incidents, much of the chaos will be down if he does.
The hallmark of civilized societies is freedom, and when every member of the community feels secure. At this time, the people of Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh and other states in India live with tensions, and it cannot go on.
“If we’re not committed as a nation,” Biden added, “with every ounce of purpose in our beings, not just to bind up this wound in the hope that somehow the scab once again will cover things over — but to treat the underlying injury — we’re never going to heal eventually.”
“It’s a 400-year-old wound | it’s America’s original sin.”
India’s caste problem is similar to America’s race problem.
Mike Ghouse is the founder and president of the Center for Pluralism. He is a speaker, thinker, author, consultant, pluralist, activist, news maker, and an interfaith wedding officiant. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions to the media and the policymakers. Share this: