If Biden can pardon Trump, he can become an uniter of the Americans for the common good. If the Senate majority goes to Republicans with Georgia runoff, Biden will be a lame-duck president, as was Obama in his second term. A pardon will earn support from the Republicans and Trump’s 71 Million supporters.
I know some of 75 million Biden supporters may want a pound of Trump’s flesh, which does not help our nation or anyone. Let me share the wisdom of religions.
Revenge will not cease with punishment in this case. We have to turn the other cheek, meaning not aggravate the conflict.
Forgiveness will unite people, and it builds bridges. That is what the Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Native American, and other traditions recommend. We need to honor that tradition; it has a lot of wisdom in it. As a nation, we need to come together and focus on jobs. We should not get entangled in these gratuitous battles instead of enjoying our lives and being good to our families, communities, and the nation.
Pardoning Trump is the right thing to do and the best way forward; it is in our country’s best interests.
Mike Ghouse
Center for Pluralism