He was born on December 13, and today he is 78! Happy birthday ! Khushali is a week long birth celebration of HH Aga Khan, he is the Imam (spiritual leader like the Pope for Catholics) of Ismaili Shia Imami Muslims, a branch of Shia Islam.
Ismaili Muslim community meets in the Jamaat Khana (community center) for the whole week, extolling his work and his service to humanity.
Indeed, His Highness Aga Khan has pleased God of all people (Aalameen) with his work. His work is not limited to one community, but the whole humanity as God wanted and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had reiterated.
His Highness Aga Khan is one Muslim figure that is respected around the world for his work in uplifting fellow beings; the very foundational duty of a Muslim. Quran is inundated with verses that always emphasize on taking care of fellow beings over everything else. In simple words, a mother or a father would be happier if their kids get along, and they would be even happier if the one doing well were to lift up the other siblings who were not doing well. Similarly God will be most pleased if we take care our fellow beings;his creation.
INCREDIBLE: To write a new piece today, I placed “khushali greetings” and “Khushali Mubarak” in Google search, what pops up is pages and pages of my writings. People have copied and reposted it over the years. I wrote about 25 articles on HH, but hundreds have been populated from that. That made me happy. The www.WorldMuslimCongress.com is an inclusive and a pluralistic site for all Muslims, you’ll find article s on every Muslim denomination.
Just place “Aga Khan” and or “Khushali” in the search box atwww.WorldMuslimCongress.com or www.TheGhousediary.com and you will find plenty of articles.
On his birthday last year:http://worldmuslimcongress.blogspot.com/2012/12/khushali-greetings-to-hh-aga-khan-and.html
On the last Imamat Day at Huffington Post – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mike-ghouse/happy-khushali-a-ramadan_b_5577420.html
His highness is one of my mentors in defining, speaking, writing, thinking and giving it a action on Pluralism. www.Foundationforpluralism.com
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Mike Ghouse is a public speaker, thinker, writer and a commentator on Pluralism at work place, politics, religion, society, gender, race, culture, ethnicity, food and foreign policy. He is a staunch defender of human rights and his book standing up for others will be out soon, and a movie “Americans together” is in the making. He is a frequent guest commentator on Fox News and syndicated Talk Radio shows and a writer at major news papers including Dallas Morning News and Huffington Post. All about him is listed in 63 links atwww.MikeGhouse.net and his writings are at www.TheGhousediary.com and 10 other blogs. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.