Islamic Values by Dr. Kaskas and Ghouse – 1 of 18 Values Eid al Adha

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How the 17 Islamic values contribute to the well-being of humanity?

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Islamic Values by Dr. Kaskas and Ghouse – 1 of 18 Values Eid al Adha

Every Sunday on Zoom from 2-3 PM EST commencing from July 18 through Nov 7, 2021

Every question you may have about Islam, Muslims and the Quran, you may find an answer them, we will present it to the best of our knowledge.

The schedule for the 18 classes is listed below following the note and profiles of the speakers. For the list if the values please go to – and to learn about the speakers, please go to

Today, we will talk about what can you sacrifice, hear out a few different point of views.

Sunday, Jul 18, 2021, 2-3 PM EST
Topic: Eid Al Adha – what should you sacrifice
Another point of view –

After all, God has created everything in harmony and balance, and we are asked to observe the limits as it affects us all (55:5-11) and it is our duty as the viceregent (Manager of surroundings) to restore harmony whenever it goes off. That is all God wants us to do. I am writing an article on a new phrase Islah-al Alam, that is restoring harmony to the world, that includes human interactions as well as the environment.

Next week

Sunday, Jul 25, 2021, 2-3 PM EST
Topic: Essence of Islam
Ref –

Sunday, Jul 25, 2021, 2-3 PM EST
Topic: Essence of Islam
Ref –

Mike Ghouse

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