Majority Empathy

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The majority of people in any nation, be it in America, India, Pakistan, China, Mexico, or elsewhere, lack empathy towards the minorities.

When a majority of white people in America hear about the day to day difficulties and unequal treatment of minorities, it does not register in their minds. When the Muslim majority in Pakistan hears about the atrocities committed against its minorities- they don’t believe it. When the Hindu majority hears about what is happening to Christians and Muslims in India, they don’t think it is for real. The majority believes that minorities are at fault. It is like blaming the woman for rape and saying she should not have been there.

I have struggled to like Senator Lisa Murkowski as she is not a person of her own; when she tries to be independent, the pressure from her fellow Republicans makes her cast her sheepish vote at the last minute. She voted for Bret Kavanaugh’s confirmation, a reinforcement of misogyny; indeed, she betrayed the women.

However, I admire her for the acknowledgment of the Apathy among the majority of Americans towards others. She did not understand what Senators Booker and Harris were talking about their experiences. I found validation for my statement in the speech of Lisa Murkowski – Senator from Alaska.

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