Jews & Poem| Joe Biden | Holocaust Video | Corona and Cow Urine | 7 items
The following items for reading – Our Website is having issues, so it is posted at –
- Postponed – workshop on the Quran’s troublesome verses
- Poem and about Jews who will be turned Apes
- Joe Biden for President
- Video on 15th Annual Holocaust and Genocides
- Unchecked, India will be a major loss to America
- Read the book “American Muslim Agenda” $5.99 on Kindle, $19.99 on Amazon
- Corona 104 years ago, influenza killed millions including my family
Our mission at the Center for pluralism is to build cohesive societies where every American feels secure about his/her faith, race, ethnicity and culture. We have programs and workshops to achieve that goal. Please visit our homepage at website to see the range of work we produce. He is a list of accomplishments –
Who should attend? This seminar is for those who believe the Quran teaches violence and those Muslims who are skeptical about the Quran.
This workshop may release fellow Americans from the anxieties that come with misinformation and misrepresentation of the Quranic verses, and Muslims will benefit knowing that Quran is a book of guidance to create cohesive societies, particularly those Muslims who need a healthy dose of confidence in the book. It is also for Muslim women who are disgusted but rarely express it at the misogynistic mistranslated verses, I have heard them all. They will learn that the 4:34 sentence has been shamefully misinterpreted for ages. The Quran is a book of guidance to create cohesive societies where no one has to live in fear of the other.
RSVP and Details at
One of the three verses we will attend to in the Quran workshops is about Jews. “Jews will be turned into apes.” is in two of the 50 translations- rather mistranslations. The Arabic version does not have the Word Jews in it. What the verse says is, “Those who do not observe sabbath will act like apes.” It could be Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Christians, or anyone who does not rest once a week. Quran does not say; Jews will become apes.
Think about the people who work seven days a week; they could quickly become irritant if they don’t have a break. Here the ape is used to mean annoyance. Any human will act like an ape if he/she doesn’t take rest. I am not sure they myth about the apes is true this day. You may like this piece at Dallas Morning News.
By Rev. Dr. Lynn Ungar, poet and minister for lifespan learning and editor of Quest for the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Larger Fellowship. Thanks, Andra for sharing this, it is so apt for today.
What if you thought of it as the Jews consider the Sabbath— the most sacred of times?
Cease from travel.
Cease from buying and selling.
Give up, just for now, on trying to make the world different than it is.
Sing. Pray. Touch only those to whom you commit your life.
And when your body has become still, reach out with your heart.
Know that we are all connected in ways that are …terrifying and beautiful.
(You could hardly deny it now.)
Know that our lives are in one another’s hands.
(Surely, that has become clear.)
Do not reach out your hands. Reach out your heart.
Reach out your words.
Reach out all the tendrils of compassion that move, invisibly, where we cannot touch.
Promise this world your love–for better or for worse, in sickness and in health….
so long as we all shall live.
My friends include both Republicans and Democrats, and individuals from Atheists to Zoroastrians and everyone in between, plus LGBTQ community and Native Americans. Politically, I am an independent and support the candidate and not the party. I have voted Bush (2x), Obama (2x), and while I was in Texas, it was the same pattern from Ann Richards to Bush to Perry. No one is perfect but you go with the least destructive individual.
Joe is the front runner now, and since Trump has made a big fuss about him, a lot more people will vote for Joe. I wish Bernie and Joe reached out to the Trump voters – both have ignored this group of voters and are hung up with speaking about minorities, it will not work. That was the significant fault of Hillary as well, which I have articulated in an article two days before the last election.
Biden has a considerable lead, which is gradually increasing, cutting the chances for Bernie and increasing the opportunities to defeat Trump. Biden will be the most likely nominee. I would have liked to see Bernie, but he has fewer chances of winning the nomination.
With due apologies to my Republican friends, I suggest you consider volunteering and funding the Biden campaign, and you will become a part of the winning team in restoring America’s greatness again where every American will be treated with dignity.
Our friend, Dr. Frank Islam, is a member of the Biden campaign finance committee. He was also the keynote speaker at the Biden fundraising dinner in Montgomery county today, that got canceled due to the Corona Virus. He is one of the few individuals who is authorized to ask for donations from the public for Biden by the party giving him a personal code and link.
I request you to please click on the following link and donate to the Joe Biden for President campaign, using your credit card. Here is Frank’s personal raiser link –
The 15th Annual Reflections on Holocaust and Genocides was held on January 26, 2020 – here is the video
More about it at
Mr. Modi’s experimentations with the economy and the social structure have already ruined India – with lower GDP, closure of businesses, the highest unemployment in 45 years, social unrest, and demonstrations are leading instability. A week before Delhi Massacre in February’20, members of BJP were hoisting saffron flags on their homes; those who did not fly the flag were identified as Muslim homes to be their target. Then Muslim homes were burned down, women raped, and the murdered 45 people. The supremacists have also pulled down men’s pants – to identify them if they are circumcised, they are Muslims, and then they are lynched. Our Jewish friends can relate with it when Hitler separated Jews from fellow Germans by placing the Star of David patch on their arms to send them to Gas chambers. Mr. Modi has not spoken out against it, perhaps that is what he wants; he has a pattern of this behavior.
The Christians and Muslims are given an ultimatum to convert to Hinduism, live as 2nd class citizens, or disappear. The deadline is 12/31/2021. Genocide is in the making.
Furthermore, if Mr. Modi does not heed the opinion of a majority of Indians, India will become a useless nation for the United States as a bulwark against Chinese influence, and even as an investment destination. Socially it will grow beyond repair – it is the same hatred the Supremacists have towards fellow Americans on a smaller number.
There are many Indian Americans who foolishly label everyone who criticizes Modi’s policies as Anti-Indian. Perhaps they must be asked to take courses in the first amendment to understand free speech and learn the ability to understand the criticism of the government is not criticizing India. India is a nation of a great heritage, and no Indian is anti-Indian, and all they want is people to respect the otherness of the others.
God bless the Indians.
Please visit the website for the talking points, reviews, contents and press releases on the book American Muslim Agenda.
In India, some Hindus believe that drinking cow urine and applying cow dung to the body will heal all ailments, including Corona.
A few people from other faiths think it is funny. As a pluralist, it is my sincere suggestion to look into their own faith for some of their beliefs and stop denigrating other’s religions. Every tradition has such beliefs, including yours. If you cannot find it, write to us, we will be happy to do the research and share such views in your faith.
Most everything in life is about a belief; we need to be respectful of others’ beliefs and resist the temptations to ridicule it. There is nothing wrong with one’s belief: As long as they practice their belief without imposing on others, what is your problem?
I believe almost everyone is fully aware of the precautions to take with Corona. Washing hands, cleaning your cell phone surface, and a whole lot more.
During 1916 and1918, millions died around the world with the influenza epidemic. A majority of my family members were laid to rest during that period. In my family, the individuals left were my grandma, my father (2 years old then), my aunt, great uncle and aunt, and their son and daughter. Now, Corona is swallowing lives; however, in 1918, we did not have medicine for many diseases. Thanks to the progress we have made, we are finding cures as soon as a new virus emerges. Our scientists will find a cure for it. Meanwhile, we will lose many loved ones among all of us.
May God help us. Who knows who goes when? My suggestion is for everyone to seek forgiveness and forgive others and be ready to go in peace with a clean slate and sans-anxieties. May we all have empathy for others.
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Dr. Mike Ghouse is a Public Speaker, thinker, author, organizer, business consultant, newsmaker, and an interfaith wedding officiant. He is deeply committed to Pluralism in Religion, Politics, and Societies along with Human rights, and Religious freedom. His new book American Muslim Agenda is available on Amazon, and two more books on Human Rights and Pluralism will be released this year. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. His information is available at